from flying that is.... i was to take a flight to san diego and got the call from the airline that my flight got canceled due to the snow here in portland.... i was almost to the hotel thankfully i hadn't checked into the hotel as that would have been a waist of money and time
not only that but... Alias Jr. (my roomie beck) wrecked his car while trying to drive to cali a few days ago in the snow and had to have it towed back to the apartment. he is ok and was not hurt thankfully.
and on top of that my new roomie that was taking becks place has been sleeping on the couch... because he's been snowed in and stuck here. all the buses, trains and planes have come to a halt.
my place smells of dirty socks,drawers and bachelors
multiple beer can sightings have been seen... we are all going crazy
the only thing holding us together is rock band and guitar hero
just thought id share the last 2 weeks w/ everyone here at PSC. we love you all and hope that you guys and gals are having better holiday travel experiences than us
wishing everyone the best holidays