splodge wrote:
not yet but i'm working on it, TESCOS ran out of cheep vodka so i'm on the good stuff tonite

Is that code for: I'm tapping into the "MoonShine STILL out back".....Man if so...you should pass Anfa in about 2 more LIDS full.

Plus it has that nice blueish/purple flame when lit.
I don't drink..

..not anymore

....i'm crazy sober...drinking just ends in a greybar hotel stay...or i go home with a 9.5...and wake up with a 2...O'k...she was a 1.87...i was rounding off. I swear, the thought of GNAWING my arm off has come to mind more than once. Then again i ain't BURT REYNOLDS...so all is fair.

..."FAT & UGLY" girls need love too.
I will smoke a paper busting HOGLEG...and sip some sweet ice tea. So here's to everyone at PSC...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of ya.