please dont let me post here... please dont let me post here....
the annunaki came from Nibiru (planet X) thousands of years ago and seeded the human race (by splicing the inhabitant apes genes with their own "homo erectus" genes - The missing link) to mine the resources of this planet... we are still mining it. (like the oil for that idiot)
please stop me,,,, stop me....
They were an elite reptilian bloodline whose geneology can be traced to the presidents and royalty (blue bloods) of today....
Someone stop me, just shoot me quickly....
They invented Religion, the monatary system, politics, sensationalism etc to imprism us and distract us from the truth....
oh god,,, please let there be a power cut right now....
Yes, the illuminati and freemasonry sects that control what we eat, where we sleep, what we do, who we are,,, are the very people that we THINK we vote into power...
jesus please dont go down the religion route...
Jesus CHRIST,,, hare KRISTna,,,, and many others (please watch Zeitgeist) are an incarnation of the same thing. Its that bright thing in the sky. Yes the Sun. The sun of "God" which brings life (to crops) and is the light of the world (wake up - it's right there in your faces)
Oh great, now you've made enemies because you went down the religion road...
We are leaving the age of Pisces (the age of the fish, fishers of men, the fish and the loaves) and entering the age of Aquarius (the water bringer - YES, there is gonna be flooding and abnormal water shit happening, it's not the apocolypse!)
It is also the age of information, the age of sharing and freedom.
"know the truth, and the truth will set you free" - David Icke (or was it the bible?)