ScionShade wrote:

I didn't make it up. Try other searches. It is usually referred to as "conflicker" without the .c. It's also called "downadup"... and some other names. I think "conflicker [space] c" as Scion has it is rare outside this thread. And, by the way, PSC is the FIRST hit with the wording I used to title this thread: "
conflicker.c worm".

But seriously, do some other searches for yourself and judge for yourself. I'm only trying to spread awareness.
Here are some other searches to help out the Google-lazy (yes, many of the hits will be the same, but there are some differences depending on the wording of the search):
conflicker worm"
conflicker virus"
downadup virus"
downadup worm"
How serious this threat is and what you PC users should
do with this information, I wouldn't know. I just thought people would prefer to know about it ahead of time, so if you can patch or erase the worm, you still have time to do so. No one even knows what this virus will do, but the potential maliciousness is pretty terrific. I, too, am glad I'm on a Mac.