Candron & Kinetic: Thanks!
Blurker: Sorry dude - maybe YOU can handle creating the Nudy Movies for this site?
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Okay, first the
Final Synopsis - some things I've noticed on this trip: IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER...
1) maps make things look CLOSER than they really are. America is Really Frickin BIG.
2) the Rocky Mountains are Really Frickin BIG.
3) Death Valley is Really Frickin BIG.
4) The trees along California's West Coast are Really Frickin BIG.
5) JanetDog ....

has a Really Frickin BIG heart!
6) Portland still has the BEST BEER CHOICES around!
7) Matt is a great host and excellent DiscGolf player. And he gave me the opportunity to ride a frickin SEGWAY and for that I will be eternally GRATEFUL!
(and thanks to his roommate Rich for filming this Great Event!)
8 ) from Death Valley to Sacremento you go from 200+ feet BELOW Sea Level up as high as 8,500+ feet ABOVE sea level!
9) from Death Valley to the California Coast is a Kick Ass Absolutely Crazy Good drive if you are in a manual transmission car like my wee Honda Civic.
( In an RV towing a Honda Civic? Not so much of a fun drive. )
10) the beaches along Oregon's coast are Really Frickin BIG.
11) there are lots and lots and LOTS of Oregon beaches.
12) once you hit the WEst Coast at Washington Stateline, there are WAY TOO MANY BEACHSIDE COMMUNITIES with 25 mph speed limits that make getting through Washington state a Very Long Drive.
13) the Tacoma, Washington Motel-6 hotel chain pays off-duty cops to sit in their cruisers in the hotel parking lot SO NOTHING BAD HAPPENS.
14) it is well worth the extra $15 it costs to stay at the Grand Sahara Hotel than staying at the Yucca Motel while in Vegas.
15) Minty Green 1993 Standard Honda Civics ROCK! And keep on ROCKIN'
16) I started missing my wife on day #3.
17) America likes Big Bridges. (and so do I)

America is NOT like Canada in MANY ways.
19) America is a lot like Canada in MANY ways.
20) Most people can be VERY helpful IF you get their attention first.
21) Day One: iPod going constantly. Day Two: iPod on and off. Day three onward: iPod pretty much off.
22) as well as an excellent scratch-pizza, JanetDOG cooks up a mighty fine STEAK!
23) it was a Very Long Trip with a Way Heavy Driving schedule (5,320 km / 3,305 miles), but I LOVED IT!
I really appreciate those of you who followed along and kept me company! It made this trip more special to me!
And, lastly,
the "denouement":
Wind Up (final MOV for this thread)