Alrighty, I'm in the process of making a PSC Timeline similar to these:
Well you got the idea:
Here's my list of entries: (Note the date format is dd/mm/yy it will probably end up as a format like July 4th, 2001 or something like that for clarity)
PSC Timeline
12/12/2001 - PSC Goes online, version 1.0 - PICTURE
13/12/2001 - PSC is established under ownership of jmh132
02/02/2002 - User Profiles are finally live
04/02/2002 - Hall of Fame added
05/06/2002 - Recognition of PSC on TechTV Screen Savers (First major recognition by an outside source)
05/23/2002 - PSC is Yahoo's Pick of the Day
10/07/2002 - PSC Online store is opened
24/07/2002 to 23/08/2002 - Cash Contests, a precursor to Prize Contests is established. It is shortlived.
27/09/2002 - PSC version 2.0 is launched - PICTURE
30/09/2002 - Updated voting system a user must have 10 valid posts to be eligible to vote
25/11/2002 - Forum started up for site design ideas
13/12/2002 - PSC celebrates it's 1st birthday - PICTURE
14/01/2003 - PSC Version 3.0 is launched, New database is setup - PICTURE
09/05/2003 - Inaugural Head to Head contest is held
06/06/2003 - Member ED209 is winner of the first PSC Head to Head contest - PICTURE
30/06/2003 - PSC, version 4.0 is launched - PICTURE
01/08/2003 - PSC recieves a record 3.7 million + pageviews in the month of July
14/08/2003 - Tutorials Section is added
14/08/2003 - Message Board is added
26/08/2003 - PSC Users limited to 2 entries per contest
02/09/2003 - PSC recieves over 4 million views for the month of August, PSC is moved to bigger internet connection and faster server
10/09/2003 - First moderators are welcomed, bluefist and ED209 - PICTURE
11/09/2003 - PSC Advantage is launched - PICTURE
13/12/2003 - Inaugural Scavenger Hunt is held
14/11/2004 - PSC, version 5.0 is launched - PICTURE
12/12/2004 - Annual PSC Kris Kringles is first held
12/07/2005 - PSCore scoring system is added
13/07/2005 - Cynn's Sock Puppets service is established - PICTURE
30/07/2005 - PSC, version 6.0 is launched - PICTURE
02/08/2005 - PSC store is relaunched at - PICTURE
04/11/2005 - PSC Moderator wins IMDB contest - PICTURE
07/11/2005 - Inaugural PSC Fall Reunion contest is held05/01/2006 - The first PSC "Chopper Profiles" are posted by user Blue Lurker
11/01/2006 - PSC Frappr map is created - PICTURE
09/02/2006 - Second and Third placements are counted and tallied for user profiles
13/02/2006 - New Advantage Feature: Original Image Uploads - PICTURE
19/06/2006 - recognizes PSC
21/06/2006 - Larger contest entries are available for both advantage and non-advantage users
23/08/2006 - PSC, version 7.0 is launched - PICTURE
30/08/2006 - PSC Member DoctorWu passes away, acknowledgement of death is done during the next week - PICTURE
28/09/2006 - 2 new versions of Chat Room are established, a regular chat room and advantage only chat room
10/10/2006 - Prize contests are established, monthly prize draw is established for advantage users - PICTURE
11/02/2007 - PSC ownership is transferred from jmh132 to Procyon of WebCurl Inc. Canada - PICTURE
10/04/2007 - Video Tutorials are added to PSC
14/04/2008 - First Anonymous contest with no prizes is held
27/06/2008 - Anonymous Thursdays in July begins. This will become a regular feature in which Thursdays are anonymous contests
13/12/2008 - PSC Celebrates it's 7th Birthday - PICTURE
27/01/2009 - 150,000 + chopped photos, with the 2,712th contest closed
Those designated with - PICTURE, will have a small image attached.
Should you have any more entries to add, or removal of needless ones, feel free to voice your opinions here, should dates be changed, post them here too.
Well, hopefully I'll get version 1.0 done by the end of the weekend.