dbbowling wrote:
We already have a "news" link at the top of this webpage. We dont need all these threads
from "PSC news", "Fox News", or "Muppet News". Give it a rest.
Give us a chance Mr Bowling.. It started off as a joke but evolved into something we think will be good.. We will have real interviews with members. We also include real stories from the news that we think are interesting or funny. We will not overwhelm the threads with ours. We are just getting started. Give us a chance before you jump.
There is no harm intended. We are just trying to inject some fun into PSC.

We have received a lot of good feed back too. Also a share of Bah Humbug replies. Sometimes it's like trying to enter an elite southern golf club. The founding members are still alive at the age of 103 and they don't like change. NO Blacks. No Women, Bah Humbug. No Bright colors. No collars no golf!
Let's give something nice a chance. Ok?
PS. Fox News is not part of us. It is an imposter.
Mr Muppet is one of our best reporters and will control his outbursts but he does get exited.
The old PSC news has dust on it. We are shiny and new.
We are trying to make this place more fun and interesting. We can all be a part of it. We would like to know about things that folks are interested in to. It is also funny to see the silly side of some of the issues here at PSC. Laugh with us and enjoy. Don't be a Bah Humbug. ok?