ScionShade wrote:
Tawiskaro wrote:
captainSMITTY11 wrote:
But then you'd have to decide how to take the percentage.
Registered Users?
Because i know i've voted for entries i haven't been in.
hmm this is tricky
I mean the vote ratio for the contest in which the entry appears. For example, if there are 550 total votes in a contest and you receive 42 votes, your vote ratio is .0763, or 7.63 percent of the total votes cast. Pretty easy, I think.
That breaks down real fast when you ad in low vote contests, and horrible contests with only one decent entry that really isn't that decent. I think vote ratio means nothing at all except in teh few contests with many excellent chops...basically only reunion.
Yeah, maybe there is no good way to do rank everything. Just for grins, however, I took the first page of the "Most Votes" gallery and calculated the ratios. The numeric values are votes received and percentage of total votes. The results are interesting:
ScionShade "Venus" 110 8.8%
thbeghin "Moving In" 103 7.85%
metalic [untitled] 108 7.64%
deshone [untitled] 101 7.5%
j-elzic [untitled] 96 6.55%
buglover "Last Yeti" 130 4.84%
Claf "Upside Down Pot" 133 4.57%
Claf "The Return of the Apes" 116 4.32%
ReyRey "Desire" 123 4.22%
Tawiskaro "Last Supper" 112 4.17%
supak0ma "Tarantula" 111 4.14%
thbeghin "gravity" 97 3.86%
anfa "Test Pilot" 112 3.85%
AustrianBB2 "Scythe Creature" 101 3.76%
arcaico "Rocketeer" 102 3.5%
Marcoballistic "Eat this Sucka!..." 97 3.33%