yello_piggy wrote:
Cartoon Contractor wrote:
yello_piggy wrote:
buckie74 wrote:
We're still trying to recoup from Katrina. My husband, his mother, and his sister all lost homes. They were all located on the same piece of property. The short of it is that we had to fire our contractor yesterday and have about 2/3 of a house. This has added insult to injury. We're trying to reclaim just a little bit of heaven on Earth and hope to do so by this summer's end!
have you ever thought about leaving this region? Isn't it possible, that such a desaster can repeat one day?
Have you ever heard the term "There's no place like home"? Hurricanes are a way of life here! The people in California don't leave because of earthquakes. We only leave when we see a hurricane coming! (At least us smart ones do).
I know that phrase, and I am lucky to live in a region without a risk of natural desasters. so you guys may have more experience in estimating deadly risks. I would have my pants full...
Well I agree, but as the Gulf Stream's flow changes its direction, which it will someday, Vienna and all of Europe will find out what its like to live in Canada's frozen tundra until it changes direction back again.
Bottom line is .... All regions, have their surprises, and down sides. Its Life.