supak0ma wrote:
rough times
we're going to help the local economy in nearby l'Aquila, which was hit by an earthquake last april.
I take my hat off for you
Its so easy to sit back and just take it for granted that others will help out, its really good of you to do this
Only wish there were more people like you.
When i went to Gambia, we took some pencils and paper to some of the local schools. We also travelled further out into the country and visited a few smaller poorer schools, we donated some money and gave the children some sweets, thier little faces lit up just from a few lollipops.
They then all sang "Heads and shoulders knees and toes"
We travel quite alot and think its a good thing to give something to the poorer areas, if we do manage to get to go on our next adventure, we will be taking some things with us to give out to the schools.
I hope to get some great photos on my next holiday, so look out for them in the source images.