Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:33 pm Reply with quote
We have to work on your repertoire!
Hot milk(?) and a good book.... 1
I like an Irish Monk... 2 parts decaf coffee, 1 part Bailey's Irish Cream, 1 part Frangelico (This could be your first spell check...! But believe me, this drink is so nice you won't care about spelling.)
Plum wine and a sappy movie... 2
Some sort of slumber party... 3
A bubble bath and soothing music.... 4
Some sort of sleep over.... 5
Have a really exhausting day and a little sake'.... 6
Oh, photoshop into the night with cookies and milk... 7
Make nap time morph into sleep time and be a night owl... 8
(This one is also called confusing night and day. Just don't admitt that to anyone in authority.)
Correct everyone's spelling on PSC... 9 (See #2)
Apply to be a PSC site monitor, though I'm not sure they ever get to sleep...10
Help the guys from downunder with their judging... 11
Antihistamines and a magazine... 12
Okay, I'm scaring myself a bit as it is 2:30 here and I'm about to take a nap but am really wound up in a crazed sort of way after writing this all down... though I'm pretty sure I'll be asleep soon because it is the middle of my summertime, no teaching schedule. P