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Location: Belgium
Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:13 pm Reply with quote
buckie74 wrote: Tommeken wrote: and what bout the people that actually used the source and it looked like a complete other swan... lots of work and it was 5 votes worth?!
so if i understand i don't have to use the source cause he didn't and even he got more votes than someone that really put work into the contest...
I work a lot harder because I am such an amateur. I don't begrudge those with excellent skills. I don't expect a handicap either. Has anyone thought of skill levels? Don't know how to do it but....
so and what do you think i am? i olny started chopping at the end of last year
every contest is hard work for me cause i'm still learning....and i think i will always be an amateur...
don't think there would be skill levels cause now i actually learn something..competing with the best isn't easy
i just don't understand that there people out here that use someone others image...and that there people that give votes to such .....
while there others out here that have to work very hard to get any votes at all (and yes i'm talking bout us "the amateurs/newbie's" )
i always read bout the good old times with the great choppers and better entry's and bla bla bla...
Maybe some people should take a good look at entry's before they go to the next entry and don't see the effort some of them do ..instead of giving votes to people that use....
bla bla bla...
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:33 pm Reply with quote
start at the top and work your way down, if you only remember 20% you'll be chopping better than most,
some folk find they need this program to view the tutorials if they dont have flash installed, it's clean and has so many other uses, opens any program out there, select all then deselect .jpg .gif .psd .png ect all the programs you can already open or just select .swf
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:00 pm Reply with quote
i think i have another 50 tut's that cover CS3 and CS4, over 20 amazing Illustrator tut's that show you great ways to create amazing text and 3D effects, anyone intrested i'll post them, but i deleted all the emails so i dont have the short write up explaining the tutorial, it's hit and miss, but if you have illustrator and dont know where to start i'm your guy
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:24 pm Reply with quote
I'd be interested in taking a look at the illustrator tuts. Could you upload a zip or rar of them?
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:33 pm Reply with quote
i'll put them all into a .zip file, dont like .rar, it will still be a huge file but i'll do what i can for you and post it on the Hallcross site, get back to you soon, great tut's
Location: Malta E.U.
Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:35 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: i think i have another 50 tut's that cover CS3 and CS4, over 20 amazing Illustrator tut's that show you great ways to create amazing text and 3D effects, anyone intrested i'll post them, but i deleted all the emails so i dont have the short write up explaining the tutorial, it's hit and miss, but if you have illustrator and dont know where to start i'm your guy
I am very interested Splodge. Please. 
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Splodge, check out
Free ftp site for stuff like this.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Somerville MA
Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:52 pm Reply with quote
I was being sarcastic because my entry should have had more than 2 votes!  meow!
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:15 pm Reply with quote
YerPalAl thanks but i have have my own .ftp, the file is so big just short of 1GB it will take forever to upload and down load, i shoved some esentual photoshop tut's in there too
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