Man, I sleep through some of the best fights . . . . . I MUST be getting old.
OK, let's review,
Someone ripped off a Worth1000 entry and tried to pass it off as original here.
Supak0ma caught it, (nice job dude) started this thread and berates the members who voted for it.
A lot of people suddenly got involved and the fight was on.
Scion and supak0ma were confused with one another
Sandy bit Daddy Warbucks
Did I miss anything?
Same old, same old.
Look, I agree, the site is not nearly as active as it used to be, but for all you members who are complaining about that fact, let's hear some new ideas to make it better. How many of you completed nancer's survey, how many made positive suggestions?
One reason I think the site is not as active as it used to be is burn out. I mean, unless you're Marco how many ideas for chops can you come up with? And how many times do we all see a chop and the first thing that comes to mind is, "Been done to death." Sure, that's valid, but what's to be done about it? Let's hear some new ideas, folks, not the same old complaints about the site, the mods and the newby vs. old timers attitude. Got a problem here? Make it a freaking opportunity to make the site more fun and enjoyable for us all.