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Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:12 am Reply with quote
Here in the U.S. we are often preoccupied with our own issues. We should always remember there are others who have also suffered.
Remembering, today, the victims of yet another senseless terrorist attack, this time in London, four years ago.
God bless our friends in England, we feel your pain too.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:05 pm Reply with quote
I remember this only too well as that date has a special significance for me.
Location: Brazil
Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:54 pm Reply with quote
Don't worry Al... the police did their job killing random foreigners as if they were the terrorists...
I always thought England had the best police in the world... well, what do i know...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Devon, UK
Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:57 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: Don't worry Al... the police did their job killing random foreigners as if they were the terrorists...
I always thought England had the best police in the world... well, what do i know...
Well you succeeded in killing this thread in its tracks.
And you may have a slight point.
But this thread was to remember the people who were injured and the 50 people that were killed in the bombing and not to use it as an excuse to make your point about our police mistakes and try to shock or upset others.
I'm sure that the Brazillian police set shining example to the whole world of how things should be done.
So i'll make the last statement on this thread and end it as it should of been.
To all the people in the world who have ever lost loved ones due to terrorism, my thoughts are with you all on this day.
And lets hope that one day all this stupid pointless acts of terrorism will stop and that the world can be a happier safer place to live in.
Location: Brazil
Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:56 pm Reply with quote
maybe you should share your thoughts with the family of the innocent working man that was shot and killed by highly skilled people that were supposed to protect him. I wonder what makes them better than the terrorists. Foreigner or not, he was a human being as well. If he was a brit heīd probably be alive today. And the dirty cops that killed him were PROMOTED WITH HONOUR!!!
It may be a "slight point" for you. But for me itīs a clear evidence of the violence applied to foreigners in europe. And I sure doubt itīs a "slight point" to his family too. Thatīs not an isolated case, FYI. But go on... go out for a drink with yer companion and be happy for being a brit and not having to worry about anything when you go out in the streets. And have your conscience clean for rebating the dirty brazilian in the internet and standing up for yer brit compatriots, and lamenting the death of the brit innocents in terrorists attacks...
Itīs sad to see you close your eyes to the truth because it goes against the way the little perfect world you have in your mind is.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Devon, UK
Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:03 pm Reply with quote
Close my eyes to the truth!
How dare you
I fully understand what your saying, but thats not why this thread was made.
It was to remember the loved ones who were killed and yes that means the guy who was inocently gunned down.
But thats all.
The poor guy who was shot could of been anyone even someone from the uk.
So please dont say i close my eyes to the truth!
I care about anyone who gets killed in tragic circumstances and i do put our own police down for the incident.
End of story................
Location: London
Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:21 pm Reply with quote
I was supposed to be working at Bagleys nightclub (right next to Kings Cross station) on that day.
I got a call just before 8am telling me that I wasnt needed until the next day. I was just going out the door when the phone rang.
There's a pretty realistic chance that I might have been at Kings Cross station pretty close to the time the bomb went off.
Needless to say I didnt go in on the 8th either !
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:09 pm Reply with quote
You guys (Sonic3 and Arcaico) are talking "apples and oranges"... two different issues. Implying, Arc, that the victims of the bombing should not be memorialized and honored *ahem* honoured because of the wrongs committed by the police afterward is as ludicrous as saying 9-11 victims should not be honored because of the subsequent wrongs done by the U.S. and U.S. Military. Two wrongs neither make a right nor negate each other.
Sonic is right; this thread is for memorializing those lives lost, and for being thankful for those lives NOT lost. (((GRANDY))) Certainly a different thread can be dedicated for condemning "errors," "mistakes," and "crimes against humanity" made by governments and/or government agencies. Bet it would be a right long thread, too. 
Location: Brazil
Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:46 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: Implying, Arc, that the victims of the bombing should not be memorialized and honored *ahem* honoured because of the wrongs committed by the police afterward
I never said that caf... I just pointed that the victims of the bombimb were not the only victims of the incident. Then Glen decided to ironize my statement in that direction, with pointless accusations such as that I intended to shut the thread, with a bit of arrogance when ironizing the work of brazilian police to justify the abuse of englandīs own... he just twisted my words to make me look like I didnīt care about the victims of the bombins, when all I was trying to say was that they were not the only victims. AFTER his statement, indeed I pointed the violence against foreigners issue. But not before that.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Devon, UK
Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:10 pm Reply with quote
I never twisted anything.
You tried to make out i didn't care about the gunning down of an inocent person, which is not true.
You just like to start arguements.
And i'm not playing anymore
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:26 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: cafn8d wrote: Implying, Arc, that the victims of the bombing should not be memorialized and honored *ahem* honoured because of the wrongs committed by the police afterward
I never said that caf... I just pointed that the victims of the bombimb were not the only victims of the incident. Then Glen decided to ironize my statement in that direction, with pointless accusations such as that I intended to shut the thread, with a bit of arrogance when ironizing the work of brazilian police to justify the abuse of englandīs own... he just twisted my words to make me look like I didnīt care about the victims of the bombins, when all I was trying to say was that they were not the only victims. AFTER his statement, indeed I pointed the violence against foreigners issue. But not before that.
Your first post:
arcaico wrote: Don't worry Al... the police did their job killing random foreigners as if they were the terrorists...
I always thought England had the best police in the world... well, what do i know...
You did not "just" point out other victims. You said, to Al's initial memorial post "don't worry" and then you emphasized and re-emphasized the police errors, implying that said tragic police errors overshadow or de-emphasize the original tragedy. Sonic did not twist your words around. This is how your words sound in the context of this thread. You speak English very well, Arc, but if your intent was "merely" to "point out" the additional victims compounding the tragic events, you missed the mark.
Location: Malta E.U.
Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:37 pm Reply with quote
Tragic as it was the victim shot by the police was also the victim of the result of terrorism. The police shot by mistake an inocent man only as a result of the terrrorist attacks. It was the terrorists who wanted to maime or kill. It was they who caused the after effects as well. What happened was tragic for all victims. All victims should not be forgotten.
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:44 pm Reply with quote
_________________ A man is like wine. He begins as a raw grape. It's a woman's job to stomp on him, and keep him in the dark until he matures into something she'd like to have dinner with.
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