Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - I'm going to piss people off and then go on vacation. - Reply to topic
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Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:37 am Reply with quote
Still have no opinion, and getting bored...
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:39 am Reply with quote
Maybe it is a case of more people focusing on what they 'have to do', instead of what they'd 'like to do'
ie: (WORK vs PLAY)
I'm much more concerned with keeping my job than I am playing on a silly website all day long.
well that's my story anyway...
I miss you guys, AND I miss chopping everyday, but I sure would miss my paycheck more 
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:41 am Reply with quote
Good point Shaman.
But summers have always been a slow time, this is just a double whammy this year.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Australia
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:45 am Reply with quote
Oscar wrote: blue_lurker wrote: Oscar wrote: SOURCES SUCK - big cow - ASS
Again, who would want to chop a picture of a plant? Stop submitting your shitty quality images too, DAMN this get's me so mad, it's like beating babies. Why is it so hard to explain that good sources are easier to get the juices flowing? there are people here who don't see a damn Leonardo Da Vinci work of art in everything. Stop with the boring sources.
Quote: You have had submitted 12 original images.
You have had 10 original images accepted and 0 rejected.
2 of your submitted images are currently in the voting queue.
2 since like a year ago... I wonder if they got lost 
Because you think the sources sucks does not mean every one does, I still say its the source that is part of the contest. Oscar no offence but if you dont have the creativity to come up with some thing it is not the sources fault, look at the h2h some shit sources in that lot and then look at the images that were created.
So stop blaming the source and start using your mind and your skills. Just a small point, its your fellow members that are voting for the sources so its even a popularity contest there as well.
I hate to say this but you are right, am just trying to make excuses for my lack of creativity. 
ya not alone there dont see me chopping every day do ya. 
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:31 am Reply with quote
Hey Rey, I read this thread expecting to get pissed off but it just hasn't happened. Now I feel lied to and that really pisses me o... ooooh, you're good at this! 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:48 am Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: ReinMan wrote: ScionShade wrote: Tommeken wrote: there's nothing wrong with the source pics but i think it would be better if there was no source pic voting..let it come as it comes..then it would be a suprise for everybody...
I like that thought very much.
Yup - no warning. 2 day Advantage MAX. Chop Chop Chop.
(I hope no one wakes me from this nice dream....  )
umm . . . this from a man who doesn't chop any more? 
Holy shite, dude! I've been chopping my ASS off over here. JUST NOT ON THIS SITE. I do not find it fun to chop here anymore, and I haven't found it fun since around the time 30 day Advantage came in. Check my portfolio. That's about when I stopped doing regular chops.
For me (and again I'll say it: FOR ME) it became much much less fun when certain folks would have WEEKS to tweak their chops. You know me. I like the 30 minute (or 30 second) chops.
So I will probably continue to CHOP VERY LITTLE IN THE COMPETITIVE ARENA HERE for the ongoing future. And I'm really okay with that.
I contribute in other ways here. Ya see that, or you don't. And I'm really also okay with that.
*ehem* For this particular thread's topic: I get what ReyRey is (and has been doing lately with other threads) doing. He is TRYING TO ROUSE OUR PASSION. He's not an arrogant prick. He's rightly confident. But I know he's not REALLY TRYING TO PISS US OFF, he's is doing his best to STIR YOU UP. THIS SITE IS NOT DOING WELL (by many of us Old Guard's standards). He, much like myself and other members, are FRUSTRATED. I don't know about him, or all the rest of you folk - but I'm frustrated because I feel kinda powerless here to do much. I've seen some really good ideas get tossed around these forums but not much gets done. I'm tired of MODs like Splodge or Nancers hinting at GOOD THINGS TO COME, but until something ACTUALLY GETS DONE IN REALITY it will feel like we are stuck in the mud bickering with each other. And I realize that there probably ARE changes in the works, and I do appreciate those who are working on them... but right now ALL WE GOT IS WHAT WE GOT. And for many of us it is less than INSPIRING.
I've been in ReyRey's position in the past here a few times. I respect his "don't say die" attitude. I appreciate his poking at our egos to get SOME kind of response. I used to do that here a lot in the "old" days. Many of my "old" friends here used to do the same - and many of them, when faced with the fact the new management just doesn't show it cares, left for good.
JEEZUS - why am I bothering to type all this? I could have just made a Maple Syrup & Beer joke and got a better result probably.
Anyway, I still continue to love and (to my best ability) respect each of you wacky lot. And, as long as I'm still a member of this community, I'll do my best to add something here in my own way. But as far as how to improve this ailing beasty? I got nuthin at the moment.
(okay - sadness and frustration. I got that. )
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:55 pm Reply with quote
. . . but ReinMan, how do you REALLY feel? 
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:01 pm Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: . . . but ReinMan, how do you REALLY feel? 
Font size for this site is not available in large enough size for me to fully express myself. (something else for Grefix to add - SUPER LARGE ANGRY FONTS) 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:38 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: I do not find it fun to chop here anymore, and I haven't found it fun since around the time 30 day Advantage came in.
ReinMan wrote: For me (and again I'll say it: FOR ME) it became much much less fun when certain folks would have WEEKS to tweak their chops. You know me. I like the 30 minute (or 30 second) chops.
ReinMan wrote: JEEZUS - why am I bothering to type all this? I could have just made a Maple Syrup & Beer joke and got a better result probably. 
I know how you feel Reinman. The only thing that drives me to make any site suggestions is remembering how fun this site used to be before Advantage went to extremes.
Personally, I don't even think Advantage should even be 2 days. I think it should be 24 hours so that if you are in different time zones, you don't have to wake up at odd hours to get the daily image posted at the 8:00am EST time zone.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:19 pm Reply with quote
I just heard people are leaving because of this thread..
Really????? That's silly. I'm not aloud to have an opinion? I love you guys and I am not going to apologize for saying how I feel.
I am not going to tip toe around. That's just stupid. That is probably why the images have no bite anymore. Every one is afraid to hurt someones feelings or offend someone. Fuck that.
Where is the passion??? I said nothing about peoples skills. If you thought I did then you have issues with yourself. I did not say I was better than anybody else. You can read into it what you want. Stop being such sheltered politically correct sissies. If your mad at me, chop it in a picture and don't hold back!!! have some passion. My ideas have not had much passion either. I am in the same boat. Sooooo. I love ya Blue, but I am not going to stifle my passion because people are too sensitive. I will not become a sheep. I don't dislike anyone. I am not saying anyone is better or worse. I am just saying the site is in a slump as far as I am concerned. Look at the numbers. Am I wrong. Do a survey. I am right. I just am honest to a fault.
Peace and love Peace and love.
Now go chop something!! Mad at me??? Good. Get mad and put that passion into your next chop.
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Belgium
Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:24 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Scrumpy wrote: supak0ma wrote: all i see in the advantage queue are awesome sources for the next month or so! get to work bunch of pansies! yes! you too rey 
 He's right!
I would have been chopping if I was not soooooo busy, and next week I will be on vacation in a cabin but I hope to be chopping soon.
wel wel you would be chopping if you had the time (what you don't have 'cause your to busy)
what 'bout : "there must be at least 2 good entry at a contest"...maybe if you would chop a bit more there would be at least 1 good entry in the instead you making threads and you complain that it all could be better...hmmm were i grew up they teached me to look in the mirror first.... 
Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:00 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Mel47 wrote: ReyRey wrote: I was asked if it is the lack of good sources that is the reason for the decline in numbers. (now here is where I piss everyone off.)
I relied:
Good choppers can chop anything.
It's a lack of cutting edge ideas. Images that make you think and feel something. Not just how they did it but how they came up with such a genius idea and translated in an image. I gotta be honest. I find myself just voting on which image sucks the least instead of having a hard choice over which image is more awesome. Maybe I'm a prick and not politically correct but if a baseball team doesn't have at least one great player on it, the stadium seats will be empty.
There are some star players but they don't play consistantly enough to keep the people coming back for more.
I am also not saying that I am one of the greats. And I am not looking for the good ole days, just better new ones.
If I was a new visitor now, I don't think I would see anything that would make me want to join. (unless I hit it on a good day.) There should always be at least 2 kick ass images in the contest. JMHO
I find myself glancing over contests and not wanting to vote at all. I don't want to have to zoom in to see if someone did a lot of work. I want something to grab my interest and then I will take a closer look.
Maybe there have been some great images lately, but not on the days I looked. It should be consistant. You can't have a successful restaurant if the food is great one day and not the other.
Actually I find this really insulting! People who spend alot of time on their chops (and I'm not just talking about myself) are not worth a second glance, let alone a comment on how to improve!
and new visitors seeing our work wouldn't want to join becuase we're not at your standard. Why do we even bother!
Maybe instead of advertising this site for all levels and a great place to learn and improve, it should be on for people of a certain standard, maybe u could be the one to decide!
As much as I admire your work, I find yr attitude sucks, perhaps u forgot that u had to start at the beginning at some point.
well, whatever, thats me done 
You don't get it. I'm sorry you feel that way. I always used to comment and try to help but something always got me interested in the contest. Then I would look at all of them. Unless there is something to draw you in, you get burned out. I am proud of every one here that has improved over the years but I am getting bored and I want something to spark my interest again. Is that so bad?
If you read my comments I still know that I have a lot to learn. You never know everything. Anyone who thinks they do is an idiot. I was always the first one to comment on my own fuck-ups. I put my images up in threads for people to fix them so I will just ignore your comment about forgetting about starting at the beginning. I always said, no matter how good you are , you sucked in the beginning.
I guess you are just not that familiar with me. I am sorry you took offense. Really. Peace? 
I did get it.........anyway lifes too short, love and peace to all 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:02 pm Reply with quote
 I give up!  your right. This place is
cutting edge and can get no better!
I am an evil egomaniac who only wants to hurt
people. Your right. It's all about me. I should be banned and
flogged. I don't do anything to contribute to
this site and I should shut up.
Not a chance. I'm here to stay and I will always
try to make it a better place.
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: southern California
Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:06 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote:  I give up!  your right. This place is
cutting edge and can get no better!
I am an evil egomaniac who only wants to hurt
people. Your right. It's all about me. I should be banned and
flogged. I don't do anything to contribute to
this site and I should shut up.
Not a chance. I'm here to stay and I will always
try to make it a better place.
High drama!
I'm not questioning your motives and goals.
I don't agree with your method, which might work with some.
But, IMO, it's always best to teach by example.
When was the last time you took the time to chop, vote or make constructive comments to those who have come here to learn?
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