The moment I read the announcement of the Invention of Lying contest, I thought of this embarrassing story from March:
I predicted to my son that someone in Region 1 would be awarded Region 2 DVD's--the reverse of what happened to the hapless Mr. Brown. I didn't realize at the time that I would be that poor someone. British honor has been restored at my expense!
Several days ago I received my prize package: four very interesting-looking DVD's and a brief note signed "Richard" followed by the cryptic phrase, "Way to Blue". At first I thought having Ricky Gervais' autograph might be some consolation for my Region 2 DVD's. Alas, the signature doesn't appear to be Gervais'.
I wonder if Mr. Brown would be willing to trade my Region 2 DVD's for his Region 1 collection of American movies. I'll even throw in the Richard autograph. Probably not.
And if all this weren't enough, the damned dinosaur source that got knocked out by this Gervais hype has not yet been restored. What the Hell am I supposed to do with my dino chop?
Is there no justice?