Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Computer Problems - Help HELP!!!! - Reply to topic
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:27 pm Reply with quote
Shit... I just got the kernel panic on my mac while working on something for the reunion contest, is there any way I can get back the psd or atleast restart the computer... I put the install cd in, pressed C, NOTHING happened, tried to eject by pressin the eject button on the keyboard and guess what... nothing! Help please, need some fast help so I can atleast submit what I had saved.... 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Dependent on mac & operating system, not sure which, but you need to get into the BIOS & settings when your computer is booting up (I think it's F12/F2 or something along those lines - it tells you as you're booting it)
This happened to my girlfriends laptop a few months back & that was the only way we found that would get the disk to eject & boot it because that failed too. It's worked fine since.
All the options are in those settings somewhere.
Hope this helps. Sorry I couldn't have been clearer Rocky.
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:35 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: Dependent on mac & operating system, not sure which, but you need to get into the BIOS & settings when your computer is booting up (I think it's F12/F2 or something along those lines - it tells you as you're booting it)
This happened to my girlfriends laptop a few months back & that was the only way we found that would get the disk to eject & boot it because that failed too. It's worked fine since.
All the options are in those settings somewhere.
Hope this helps. Sorry I couldn't have been clearer Rocky.
I`ll try it, thanks for taking the time to help, all help is welcome...
Edit, SHIT!No luck, tried pressing every single key one at a time on the keyboard and then later holding them down...FUCk! 
Location: here
Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:58 pm Reply with quote
i've never come closer to a mac than 3 steps... but as i read on the webs, it seems a common problem:
i got 3 things out of this thread:
- check/change the RAM
- Apple denies a problem and repairs silently the macbooks
- someone said, keeping mouse buttons pressed during boot would eject the CD
good luck with everything you might try!
_________________ Take it easy!
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:06 pm Reply with quote
thanks, dunno, will try, also where the hell is the restart button... all I see is the power button.. wtf, ps. ejected the cd 
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:28 pm Reply with quote
dunno wrote:
nope, just the power button, well anyways I managed to get to the install thing...after putting the cd and pressing c and waiting for like 15 idea how to get my files back
EDIT/ ok, its reinstalling the software, repaired the disk now all I have to do is wait for the comp to verify the cd.. wish me luck, I hope I can atleast post the chop 
Location: here
Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:43 pm Reply with quote
alright, data recovery seems to be more of an impossible mission on a mac.
i'll stay with the others...
sorry i cant help further.
sounds good! i'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll find your files back.
_________________ Take it easy!
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:10 am Reply with quote
_________________ A man is like wine. He begins as a raw grape. It's a woman's job to stomp on him, and keep him in the dark until he matures into something she'd like to have dinner with.
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Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:52 am Reply with quote
I had a mac freeze in the middle of partitioning an external hard drive. Talked to multiple people, and carried the thing all around town
trying to find someone who could retrieve the data. All of it was lost. Nearly 500 gigs of multitrack files for songs I'd recorded gone... Good luck with yours.
Location: Northern California
Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:09 am Reply with quote
lol no backup or save?
There is a nifty program that saves the psd's every 10 seconds to my external drive. Nifty plug-in indeed.
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:29 am Reply with quote
Hooray!!!! After 3 hours of waiting for it to load and sleeping 1 30 am I finaly managed to recover every thing!
thanks for all the help  Posted as promised
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:16 am Reply with quote
rockyjob wrote: Hooray!!!! Posted as promised
Damn! Another top 3 spot is gone now.  Good luck!
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