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Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:27 pm Reply with quote
No .. I asked for a BOARD.. to design a BOARD..
Location: pfft..
Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:09 am Reply with quote
Just that little board was 19 layers to make. you can easily do something simple like that yourself. Posterboard is cheap. Get stick on letters, or be prepared to pay one of us. im cheap... (so I've been told)
Flavin wrote:
How do you play with that board?
heh.. well if you read the entries on the board, its pretty simple..
create a bill
pretend to listen to the people bitching...
ignore them, finance it regardless
rake in the taxes to do "something" with
then never use the money for its intended purpose....
yes and no are purposely not really clickable because govt dont care what the people say..
_________________ ..
Location: Ladispoli, Italia
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:30 am Reply with quote
hey flavin, forse hai sbagliato approccio qui, non puoi venire e pretendere che ti sia fatto tutto solo perchè lo chiedi, qui la gente è molto disponibile ma il più lo devi fare tu, fai il compito con le tue capacità e poi chiedi se qualcuno ti può aiutare a migliorarlo se non ti piace 
Location: pfft..
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:52 am Reply with quote
I did try to help though.. he can make a simple little thing like that, and enter the correct terms and steps*. mine was intended to be funny, yet helpful in layout. since money sucks at the moment.. im not opposed to him kicking me a little money to make a nice one.... but i wont put 100 bucks worth for 25.
*terms and steps being the necessary steps to which most laws are made.
1 on the table
2 red tape
3 talked about
4 red tape
5 reworded to maximize income minimize output
6 red tape
7 voted into law
8 red tape
9 people starving to pay for it
10 someone in the govt loves his new red Lamborghini
_________________ ..
Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:04 am Reply with quote
I'm still waiting for the answer to this one...
Flavin wrote: Hey YerPalAl .. do you think you're funny?...
Methinks he was referring to sage's comment. Comprende?
Flavin wrote: Don't be stupid writing down some stupid words in spanish.. I know spanish.. and you look just ..mmhh.. dumb?
_________________ nancers 04/05 @ 10:40 pm
I like beefhead. He's such a noob. Guide him someone, please?
nancers 04/06 @ 08:41 pm
Because you don't count beef. JMH decided that when you were a noob.
PooDeFuego 06/23 @ 03:32 pm
Location: Photoshop Nation
Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:39 am Reply with quote
sti cazzo de ragazzini de oggi me fanno usci de capoccia! ma va a cagare.
Location: Hudson, Canada
Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:07 am Reply with quote
beefhead wrote: Methinks he was referring to sage's comment. Comprende?
Flavin wrote: Don't be stupid writing down some stupid words in spanish.. I know spanish.. and you look just ..mmhh.. dumb?
yeah. Golly gee, Al... thanks for taking one for the team!
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:09 am Reply with quote
I live to serve, you know that.
And I am never funny, always, always dead serious.
I thought everyone already knew that about me. 
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:37 am Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: I live to serve, you know that.
And I am never funny, always, always dead serious.
I thought everyone already knew that about me. 
I noticed that about you.
Here's a scenario for you. Join a board, have nothing to offer, and demand that others do something for you and when pressed for more info get rude and start calling people names. Yep that's the way to get something for nothing. Like he's going to chop something! Spam is looking good about now.
In the words of the Great prestodigitator W.C, Fields " Give him an evasive answer, Tell him to go........"!
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:14 am Reply with quote
Oh, and he forgot to tell us, its probably due tomorrow. lol
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:34 am Reply with quote
Waitaminute. This kid comes in here and asks for a game board design for a game we don't know the rules about (I mean other than the bill-to-law process), and with no definable "win" scenario to the game, and then proceeds to act like a little prick?
 No. Upgrade that.
A game of this theme should have
1. A starting point for how you join the game. Maybe each player has to draw a cause card that states the bill they're trying to get into law.
2. A defined path through the game from start to finish. So each player has to get their cause to become a bill and then a law as they progress through the board. First one to law wins?
3. Events throughout the course of the game that define milestones reached.
3a. First would be to acquire a powerful lobbyist group. I'm thinking roll of the dice determines the power of your lobbying group.
3b. You then have to earn the millions needed to "coax" a congressional representative with free dinners at gourmet restaurants, lavish hunting trips, recreational toys, whores, etc. so that they'll introduce your motion on the floor.
3c. Now you need to earn extra money to help your congressional rep "convince" the other congressmen & congresswomen of the need for your pet bill. Once you've garnered enough preliminary support you'll get the motion to committee.
3d. Now the committee cards come into play. Draw the chance card that says things like "You've got photographic evidence of the senator from Iowa having a tawdry affair with Miss Teen Iowa. You gain fast track through committee!"
3e. Setback events are needed as well. Committee cards could say "You're congressional rep inadvertently wins a skins golf match against the committee chair. Your bill goes to sub-committee for three rounds".
3f. Once you've gotten through one chamber you then need to get to the next chamber (House to Senate, Senate to house). So you'll need to go though the above steps again.
3g. Oh Noes! Someone rolled a filibuster on your ass! If they can ramble on for 3 days straight they can kill your bill! Start the sand timer!
3h. Congratulations your bill has passed both chambers! Presidential initiative roll time! You'll need to have at least two presidential election rounds throughout the game. Better hope the winning candidate has the same party cards that you do! If not it could be the veto pen (unless you have lobbyist money left over to "fund" the sitting president's after-office museum and to help promote his/her book tour).
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:35 am Reply with quote
At this point, I would POLITELY tell Flavin that we don't normally (except in SquidVisious's case, and we all know he's HARD UP!  ) just do "FREE" work on a moments notice for strangers.
This situation has come up a number of times here, where someone signs on as a new member ONLY to ask for FREE WORK.
I personally don't support that. I make a living with my creativity. I personally enjoy some respect around the value of my creativity and "giving it away for free" to every stranger that asks me is not the best way to show the world that I have actual VALUE, as far as my creativity goes.
Nothing personal, Flavin, but Alan (YerPalAl) was trying to give you good advice. In all honesty, NO ONE on this site owes you ANY ADVICE. Try to have a better attitude when you are begging for someone else to do your homework for you.
AND:  @ Tofu
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:39 am Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: A game of this theme should have
1. A starting point for how you join the game. Maybe each player has to draw a cause card that states the bill they're trying to get into law.
2. A defined path through the game from start to finish. So each player has to get their cause to become a bill and then a law as they progress through the board. First one to law wins?
3. Events throughout the course of the game that define milestones reached.
3a. First would be to acquire a powerful lobbyist group. I'm thinking roll of the dice determines the power of your lobbying group.
3b. You then have to earn the millions needed to "coax" a congressional representative with free dinners at gourmet restaurants, lavish hunting trips, recreational toys, whores, etc. so that they'll introduce your motion on the floor.
3c. Now you need to earn extra money to help your congressional rep "convince" the other congressmen & congresswomen of the need for your pet bill. Once you've garnered enough preliminary support you'll get the motion to committee.
3d. Now the committee cards come into play. Draw the chance card that says things like "You've got photographic evidence of the senator from Iowa having a tawdry affair with Miss Teen Iowa. You gain fast track through committee!"
3e. Setback events are needed as well. Committee cards could say "You're congressional rep inadvertently wins a skins golf match against the committee chair. Your bill goes to sub-committee for three rounds".
3f. Once you've gotten through one chamber you then need to get to the next chamber (House to Senate, Senate to house). So you'll need to go though the above steps again.
3g. Oh Noes! Someone rolled a filibuster on your ass! If they can ramble on for 3 days straight they can kill your bill! Start the sand timer!
3h. Congratulations your bill has passed both chambers! Presidential initiative roll time! You'll need to have at least two presidential election rounds throughout the game. Better hope the winning candidate has the same party cards that you do! If not it could be the veto pen (unless you have lobbyist money left over to "fund" the sitting president's after-office museum and to help promote his/her book tour). too much time on yer hands this morning?

Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:44 am Reply with quote
Better that Tofu uses his IDLE HANDS for TYPING.
The alternative would be Very Disturbing to most of us.
P.S. How do you say "little prick" in Italian? I think I've figured out how to say "big prick", MOLTO PIPPA ? But no idea how to say "little prick". 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
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