People with darker eyes usually have larger pupils allowing more light to the retina. We used a 'vision protractor' to test peripheral vision. First, We made a big half donut and labled it like a protractor. In the middle is a blue dot for focusing. A blue tipped pen was slowly moved from back to front and marks were made and measured on the protractor. We did 3 tests on each eye. Then we charted the results.
The worst part was putting all the text together with Photoshop. We tried using office type programs but they all sucked. Only Photoshop allowed me to manipulate sizes so I could print everything on 8.5 x 11 without wasting space.
BTW, We totally didn't think of any of this. This wasn't our idea. The original was done by a much older girl(college?) and won some kind of big award. We didn't copy any of the results though. We tried to keep it fair.