glennhanna wrote:
dbbowling wrote:
Any image you create....
...have it registered with with copyright office. Its only cost 25 bucks
Great, Rey, all you need to do is pay $8,275 to register all your regular contest entries, and $375 for you H2H entries. Plus a few 10ks for all the other images you've created elsewhere.
Mikey's entries would rack up almost $40,000 into the pockets of the copyright office.
Good thing graphic artists make boat loads of money. All you have to do is rent out your yacht for a day or two.
Wouldn't it just be easier and less expensive to make a "photo book" containing all the created images you want protected with the copyright office, and then just register the book for copyright?
I do believe the contents of such a book would carry the same copyright protections as they would if each image was registered individually.
I haven't tried this strategy, but it should hold up in court if it ever went that far.