Whoah, I see what it is. You're all jealous because I got the GIMP, y'all are trying to get me scared off the forums before I make PhotoShop look like the crap it is. Oops, scratch that- EXPENSIVE crap.
OK, I'll leave- and give you the day off.
But when I come back, just wait- you spammer-hammerers. I haven't posted spam- ever- untill this post maybe.
I will laugh at your calamity, and shake the dust of my sandals as I leave this unholy place...
PS: Yeah I use GIMP. I cheat. But if it makes you happy, I also used PhotoShop for a full minute once- it gave me brain damage though, and I lovingly turned back to the Gimp.
PPS: Also you guys give pathetic contest regulations. I couldn't even submit a decent desktop-sized image, and i can't submit a .png at all- anyone wanna explain THAT?
As all professional products, PhotoShop comes with a long line of spammers, haughty owners and a cold and unfriendly community. Try to find a post as icy as ANY of the previous ones (besides the first one) in this topic on a GIMP forums-
Proudly Linux Oriented and Open Sourced,
-The "Spammer"