NinjaNumberNine wrote:
Whoah, I see what it is. You're all jealous because I got the GIMP, y'all are trying to get me scared off the forums before I make PhotoShop look like the crap it is. Oops, scratch that- EXPENSIVE crap.
OK, I'll leave- and give you the day off.
But when I come back, just wait- you spammer-hammerers. I haven't posted spam- ever- untill this post maybe.
I will laugh at your calamity, and shake the dust of my sandals as I leave this unholy place...
PS: Yeah I use GIMP. I cheat. But if it makes you happy, I also used PhotoShop for a full minute once- it gave me brain damage though, and I lovingly turned back to the Gimp.
PPS: Also you guys give pathetic contest regulations. I couldn't even submit a decent desktop-sized image, and i can't submit a .png at all- anyone wanna explain THAT?
As all professional products, PhotoShop comes with a long line of spammers, haughty owners and a cold and unfriendly community. Try to find a post as icy as ANY of the previous ones (besides the first one) in this topic on a GIMP forums-
Proudly Linux Oriented and Open Sourced,
-The "Spammer"
I like you. A lot. That 'tude in the face of the 'tude you got is AWESOME. Please stick around. You'll fit in around here I think.
As for GIMP I used to use it and there's a few here that use it as well. If memory serves Azionite uses GIMP in his chops. The site is Photoshop only for the conveyance that the site is about manipulating images. Heck we've even had some that used MSPaint to do their work.
As for the image sizes the point is not to create desktop wallpapers. The point is to create a great image within the size restrictions. It's part of the challenge. However you can get Advantage to get a bigger image size.
As for PNG I'm betting it wasn't originally supported because the biggest browser on the market didn't support PNG properly until a version ago. I don't claim that IE is a good browser simply that it had the biggest market share. Plus going with JPG evened out the field for the size restrictions (since some PNGs can be better in a smaller size). Anyway GIMP can save to JPG so you shouldn't have an issue. I can't wait to see some of your entries.
Speaking of entries... if you haven't discerned yet; there's a contest every day. They start at 8:00 a.m. US Eastern and they run for 3 days. Entries can be uploaded at any time in the 3 day run (even right up to the contest close). So there's always 3 active contests. You can enter up to 2 images in each contest. Advantage users can pre-enter a single image to a contest up to 30 days in advance.
Stick around, participate and ask questions. You'll fit in. Oh and look up janetdog. He's a loyal Linux user too (and there's probably others).