ReyRey wrote:
Welcome fellow macster! Nice set up. Almost like mine.
I use a tiny tablet.
Two monitors is so you can have your image on one and your
tools on the other, or so you can chop and watch dirty movies
at the same time.
lol.. thanks.
Tiny Tablets, dirty movies, dual monitors..... lol Im beginning to see a pattern here ReyRey!! Not all about the size of your tablet...its how you work with your nibs..
TofuTheGreat wrote:
That's totally Photoshopped! No way is that real.
[/end lame joke]
Nice setup Scvid. The money you saved on drapes by stealing motel curtains must've helped in the budget.
[/end even lamer joke]
I'm jealous. I love my system but I wouldn't mind having a new computer to play with.
Your totally right, those curtains are horrid looking things,,, that is the real reason i got the duals, to cover as much of them as possible. Have you priced drapes and curtains lately!!!!
seamusoisin wrote:
I'm looking at this setup and everything is different than mine except for the lamp!
Also you seem to be missing a lot of junk (coffee cups, last week's unfinished crossword, Glasses spray cleaner, kleenex, marker pen, armband for ipod four pens, two actually work 3 AA batteries, lip balm, old lottery ticket and some gum wrappers) other than that nice setup!
Ohh,, yea your right. Its hard to work with a clean desk. I have added a few necessary components since i posted the picture, some change, lighter, wallet, camera, a few cords, ash tray.... soon to come: old lottery tickets, unopened mail from last month, drinking glasses, dust, soup drippings and other misc crumbs, 20 to 30 pens and pencils that get lost under the mail, and who knows what else.
It takes time to perfect since its a natural process.
Tarmac wrote:
It has all the potential of being a great Mac system. Now all it needs is an experienced captain

to steer its helm.
Welcome Scvid to the truly darkside. Someone once called me Tarmac ...
(HINT: To help ween yourself from windoz, forget bootcamp, use CrossOver)thanks Tarmac.. im learning this one by experimenting. If my hotkey dont work... ohh shit, i just hit command, and try it again. heh, it seems to be working. Plus, I learn fast

Thanks for the link, i will check it out
Azionite wrote:
Nice set up! I absolutely love working on two monitors. Once I got used to it, I just can't go back to using one unless I'm on my laptop without another monitor to connect.
I'd love to go MAC, but I'd be afraid all my IT friends would make fun of me. Then I'd have to pay excessive amounts for therapy and I just don't have the money for that right now.
Hope you enjoy your setup!
(and I agree with Tofu about the curtains..)Duals, i have been using since 90's i feel constricted on single monitors.
What if we all start making fun of you because of you using windows?

I am more than happy to receive any cool looking curtains anyone wants to send i cant afford any now
deliandave wrote:
Is that a 24"?
That is what we got for home... 24" imac... I do miss the number pad, but other than that I love it!
Its the 21.5 and the HP screen is the same size. resolution 1920 X 1080 on each. They were out of stock on the 24, or i would have spent way too
gramps wrote:
Welcome to the world of Apple. You will never regret the change. BTW a keyboard with a number pad is an option.

heh, thanks for the tip. I just looked one up, Priced at 49.00, not bad at all.. It also dont have the FN key, it has them built across the top in normal fashion, ohh I like that.
I actually have *looks around* a cheapo usb number pad if i really need one. Might look into getting that keyboard down the road a few months.