Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - How long have you been chopping?? - Reply to topic
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Location: Eugene, Oregon
Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:45 pm Reply with quote
falloutgirl wrote: @ReyRey
Wow. Ok, so I'm impressed. That's quite a past you've got yourself there. Thanks for all the advice and insparation, and you're so right about the artist first thing. So it seems no matter how long I stick with this, I doubt i will ever reach your level for that precise reason... because, well... I suck at art... xD But I'm still going to carry on. Try and try again as they say
and lol rue 
I used to like drawing as a kid, and got pretty good. But I took a basic drawing class when I was in college. I shouldn't need it, since I thought I knew how to draw, but that class may have been the best class I have ever taken. It taught me about lighting, shadows, and composition. It's amazing what it did to improve my photography and now Photoshop projects. I loved learning how to shade in that class. So when I am creating something in Photoshop, I'm shading and adding light to things as if I was drawing something. PS makes it pretty easy to do, and by having separate layers for different objects, I can focus on one object at a time without messing up surrounding areas.
Being a good artist will take time. Just as most comedians start out being stale and mildly funny at most, until they figure out what works, what doesn't, and learns what people respond to most.
I think I have a good base to work from. I'd like to improve on the art of creative ideas. That's the real trick to success.
Location: Uranus
Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:31 pm Reply with quote
falloutgirl is corious
ReyRey is the site pep squad
Anfa is drunk
Starman is an alien
glennhanna is mostly sunny
Martrex is huggy
L@rue is bouncy
Oscar is Oscar
sonic3 is a hedgehog
st1n3r is a beautiful and unique flower 
Location: Northern NY
Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:46 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Not All Who Sing "The Wanderer" Are Dion
The Closer you get to Canada the more things there are that wanna eat your horse.
Location: in your monitor...
Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:51 pm Reply with quote
can i answer that??
I've been chopping for 14 months.
I am a magic wand addicted therefore
I'm suck at selecting object until i overheard rey giving advice to sum1 that pen tool is the most accurate selection tool. But i'm still suck.
I rarely use filter. Maybe just for liquify and blur.
I'm 17 single,male oh wait that's n0t a part of the question.:p
Location: England
Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:07 pm Reply with quote
st1n3r wrote: falloutgirl is corious
hmm, corious you say?
haha ;P
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Sanctuary wrote: I'm 17 single,male oh wait that's n0t a part of the question.:p
Well, your about 6 years ahead of me. Although I was using Microsoft Paint at that age and figured out how to clone stuff to erase objects the hard way. Then a year or two later I was doing Paint Shop Pro, which I thought was the best program ever, because Photoshop made no sense to me. I finally watched a Photoshop video library at one of my internships in college, which finally got the ball rolling. Then my first job as a video editor, we used Photoshop all the time, but it was usually for simple reasons. I began to get creative with it on my own time. Entered about 10 projects to another contest site, hated the voting system, and then found the best place ever, PSC. I rarely do chops, but put my best effort into the ones I do, which takes a lot of time for me yet. I've started several contests, but then quit after determining that my idea or execution sucked and didn't want to spend any more time on it. I'm sure if I chopped more, I'd get much faster at it. It's a hobby, so I use it to escape reality from time to time. I'm glad that there are places like this that let you share creativity and promote growth.
Location: England
Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:15 pm Reply with quote
glennhanna wrote: Sanctuary wrote: I'm 17 single,male oh wait that's n0t a part of the question.:p
Well, your about 6 years ahead of me.
At first I read that and was like WTH? You're 11?! But then the blonde moment passed. lol
Btw, I'm only 14 ...and single too... just incase anyone cares xD
Location: in your monitor...
Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:20 pm Reply with quote
glennhanna wrote: Sanctuary wrote: I'm 17 single,male oh wait that's n0t a part of the question.:p
Well, your about 6 years ahead of me. Although I was using Microsoft Paint at that age and figured out how to clone stuff to erase objects the hard way. Then a year or two later I was doing Paint Shop Pro, which I thought was the best program ever, because Photoshop made no sense to me. I finally watched a Photoshop video library at one of my internships in college, which finally got the ball rolling. Then my first job as a video editor, we used Photoshop all the time, but it was usually for simple reasons. I began to get creative with it on my own time. Entered about 10 projects to another contest site, hated the voting system, and then found the best place ever, PSC. I rarely do chops, but put my best effort into the ones I do, which takes a lot of time for me yet. I've started several contests, but then quit after determining that my idea or execution sucked and didn't want to spend any more time on it. I'm sure if I chopped more, I'd get much faster at it. It's a hobby, so I use it to escape reality from time to time. I'm glad that there are places like this that let you share creativity and promote growth.
similar history.
i use paint at first.
and my goal is combining 2 images and integrate them well.
you know it'll only waste my time if i keep trying it on paint.
then i gave up try to watch video on youtube and found something related to photoshop.[i'll open a new thread later for details]
this place is just amazing for me. we compete each other,sharing idea even hammering spammer together.
don't take execution as a priority. idea is the most important here. if you don't have any idea just do Giffy magic.

Location: in your monitor...
Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:36 pm Reply with quote
falloutgirl wrote:
Btw, I'm only 14 ...and single too... just incase anyone cares xD
that makes me feel older.
is that you on the picture?
P.S : happy Valentine
Location: England
Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Sanctuary wrote: is that you on the picture?
P.S : happy Valentine
mmhmm, tis indeed
And yourself =P ♥
Location: Michi-gan
Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:38 pm Reply with quote
falloutgirl wrote: Ohai PSC,
So I'm still an amateur at this (If you've seen any of my pics, then you'll have to agree... >.<), and I only really do it because I have nothing else to do when I get home from school; but I know that a lot of you guys are professionals, right?
Well I just wondered how long it takes to reach the standard of a "Pro"? So a question to all really, how long have you been chopping?
(P.s, happy valentines!! ;D)
I am far from a professional but in one years time I came soooo far and now I've been here 2 years and still getting better with every chop. I knew nothing before I came here.
Location: Michi-gan
Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:44 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: It doesn't matter how many years.
6 months after I started using PS I was working as a photo retoucher
for clients like bloomingdales, pepsi, WWE (which was WWF at the time), and a ton of catalouges.
1 year later I was a proffesional illustrator and hi end retoucher working for huge clients like
m&ms, perdue, Subway restaurants, post cereals, Kelloggs, dannon, Perrier, heineken,
Trojan, etc.
The reason I was able to turn pro so fast is because I graduated from college as an illustrator and fine artist.
I was an artist first. Trained in the classic mediums. ( oils, pencil, charcoal, guache, water colors, acrylics, etc.)
I was trained in drawing and human anatomy and life drawing and realism style painting.
Also composition, color theory, design, etc.
I did not learn PS until a year after college and I taught myself, but I didn't look at it as a computer program, I used it more like a paint brush. Just another medium or tool of art.
I didn't care about filters , plug-ins and tricks. I used the paintbrush, Airbrush, and the selection tools, especially the pen tool. To me the pen tool was just like cutting masks in watercolor or airbrush class. That and the clone tool were all I knew.
Because of color theory I was able to figure out color adjustments.
I know people who have been using PS since it first came out and they still don't create anything nice but they are very good color adjusters.
What I am saying is PS is just a tool. Learn to be an artist first and then use PS as a tool.
Don't think of it as the high tech program that if you learn it all (you won't)
then you will be an artist. ( you won't)
PS does not make you an artist. You make you an artist. PS just makes it easier to create what your artistic mind can think of.
A person who uses PS can draw a baseball and you would say " oh look, a baseball".
An artist who uses PS could create a baseball that you would want to hang on your wall.
Those are some inspirational words Rey. You're absolutely right... I only caught on to some of this photoshop because I like to create stuff that doesn't exist. I'm an artist...(without credentials) but an artist none the less. Couldn't have said it better.
Location: Belgium
Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:50 pm Reply with quote
chopping for a year and a half... i'm not that good but i think iv'e seen worse...
i'll keep chopping cause it's fun...
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