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Location: NSW - Australia
Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:40 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: Pearcinator wrote: hey, I havnt been here in about a year but I just signed up for the H2H because I like participating in this comp (even though I havnt won it yet...3rd times a charm)
Will we know who we are seeded against in advance or will it be different this year?
you'll know on Saturday, May 1st 
That was fast! Thanks!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:29 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: I already joined the tourney... before they "allowed" Mikey to break the rules... but I may be a no-show...
Itīs not about ME!!! Itīs about the whole system and how WE fit inside this system!!!!
itīs up to you guys... I wonīt participate of an event that:
a. benefits no-shows, aka beings that promoted disgrace to round 1 of previous tourneys by transforming what was supposed to be the best round of the tourney, into a show of disrespect for their opponents,
b. disrespects members that participated of this event for years, putting their very own best just to promote a beautiful show to the viewers...
itīs your call... enforce the rules. Ban mikey. He wonīt cry and heīll be fine to participate in 2011.
but you'll no-show?! Even though that disrespects the members that have participated for years?
Even if PSC was a Democracy and not a Dictatorship, we as citizens (members) have politicians (MODS) who run the government (website) for us. They make the rules, they enforce them, they bend them as they see fit on a case to case basis. We can vote for things we like and dislike. But in the end its up to them to make or break the rules and either take our opinions or leave them.
supak0ma wrote: and now that I think about it...YOU were REINSTATED last tournament by "bending" of those "soft" rules you call so strongly to be enforced.
I hope you decide to stay in the tournament Arc.
I've been waiting for the Arc vs. Marco match up for years.
Hell, I've been waiting for my shot at ya too.
(yeah yeah, I don't stand a chance)
so either...
(take your ball and go home)
Location: Brazil
Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:53 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: exactly, AZ. Arc, besides the fact that you don't know what happened, do you really apply this moral strict code in your life? usually ppl like you decanting of rights and wrongs are the most hypocrit when it comes to affect them. Go on and continue your show or "crusade", i really do not understand why the fuck you're doing this. If you're joking, well it was fun but as we say over here, the joke's fun when it lasts shortly. Also, thanks for making this fucking thread depressing.
and now that I think about it...YOU were REINSTATED last tournament by "bending" of those "soft" rules you call so strongly to be enforced.
I can't believe you're that naive, supak. I'd understand that if you were any other person... but YOU??? You know for a fact mikey is in the list of my most beloved PSCers... along with marco. That should be enough to clarify my "crusade".
Oh... and I didn't bend any rule in the last tournament. If you DO know the rules, you know there are STILL no rules for filling double no-shows in the middle of the tourney. And the rule applied for me was the same off-book rule applied in previous years. In case of a double no-show, the most voted participant that lost a match in the previous round fills the spot. It's a good timing to add that to the OFFICIAL rules, btw.
Anyway... save yer speech about hypocrits and depression for when you become the next Dalai Lama...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Brazil
Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:57 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: arcaico wrote: I already joined the tourney... before they "allowed" Mikey to break the rules... but I may be a no-show...
Itīs not about ME!!! Itīs about the whole system and how WE fit inside this system!!!!
itīs up to you guys... I wonīt participate of an event that:
a. benefits no-shows, aka beings that promoted disgrace to round 1 of previous tourneys by transforming what was supposed to be the best round of the tourney, into a show of disrespect for their opponents,
b. disrespects members that participated of this event for years, putting their very own best just to promote a beautiful show to the viewers...
itīs your call... enforce the rules. Ban mikey. He wonīt cry and heīll be fine to participate in 2011.
but you'll no-show?! Even though that disrespects the members that have participated for years?
Even if PSC was a Democracy and not a Dictatorship, we as citizens (members) have politicians (MODS) who run the government (website) for us. They make the rules, they enforce them, they bend them as they see fit on a case to case basis. We can vote for things we like and dislike. But in the end its up to them to make or break the rules and either take our opinions or leave them.
supak0ma wrote: and now that I think about it...YOU were REINSTATED last tournament by "bending" of those "soft" rules you call so strongly to be enforced.
I hope you decide to stay in the tournament Arc.
I've been waiting for the Arc vs. Marco match up for years.
Hell, I've been waiting for my shot at ya too.
(yeah yeah, I don't stand a chance)
so either...
(take your ball and go home)
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Photoshop Nation
Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:54 am Reply with quote
Quote: Anyway... save yer speech about hypocrits and depression for when you become the next Dalai Lama...
 very good one
i didn't realize this was personal...
anyway, unless word comes from the top, things stay the way they are, like it or not.
Now, let's put the chopping where our mouths are!
Location: Florida
Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Did anyone ever end up making a video/soundtrack for this?
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:45 pm Reply with quote
I made one up, Kitty, but you'll have to listen VERY HARD to hear it; I used the WORLD'S SMALLEST VIOLINS. 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Michi-gan
Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:45 pm Reply with quote
So, Friday is the big day, huh? I cant wait..... I would like to place bets that even though we have all this arguing going on there will still be about 10-15 no shows..... Any takers?
And if I can voice my opinion, there should be a ban on all no shows from the previous year. I wanted in bad at last minute last year and could not join, however there were handfulls of empty slots the day of.... At least ban for one year if not forever....
Location: Florida
Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:46 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: I made one up, Kitty, but you'll have to listen VERY HARD to hear it; I used the WORLD'S SMALLEST VIOLINS. 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:08 pm Reply with quote
JORDAN792 wrote: So, Friday is the big day, huh? I cant wait..... I would like to place bets that even though we have all this arguing going on there will still be about 10-15 no shows..... Any takers?
Saturday my man... It starts Saturday
and no, I won't take that bet! 
Location: Brazil
Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:15 pm Reply with quote
JORDAN792 wrote: And if I can voice my opinion, there should be a ban on all no shows from the previous year. I wanted in bad at last minute last year and could not join, however there were handfulls of empty slots the day of.... At least ban for one year if not forever....
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Brazil
Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:16 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
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