TutorMe wrote:
It's quite possible he spent time at another site and thought this was it under a new name. From what I recall, the idea for psc was conceived at FARK. Maybe that's where he used to hang out?
If something doesn't make sense, ask questions. Don't just make assumptions. I'm not saying the details were 100% clear, but it's pretty obvious that it's not a spammer. In an ideal world, the OP would have made every detail clear... Also in an ideal world I'd be dating Megan Fox, and have a multi-album record deal.

Ladies and gentleman,
I apologize if you feel that this is a SCAM. If you feel that way fine, you may contact my office directly at (760) 579-7327 ext 7550. You may Google my office address and run web searches for our CURRENT business name VIEXPERTS unfortunately EdgeData will not show up yet because I have yet to REBRAND viexperts... would be tough to give a professional appearance without a logo, you think? My experience in coming to your forums has been not good. I was flamed from the moment I came in here. Yes I confused your site with one I frequented in High School before getting my degree in computer science. I simply wanted to extend my success in my inner circles. I apologize that I have, obviously, stirred up the hornets’ nest in here. I can understand your reluctance in just believing anything on the internet; however I can't begin to understand the ignorance of not researching an opportunity or asking questions in a respectful manner? Did I not show the respect you all deserved from my original post on? I changed the offer to reflect the opportunity for a professional graphic designer after receiving (do you call that) feedback.
Thus interested parties can reach me at the contact information above. If I get flamed on this board one more time, I WILL take my opportunity somewhere where it may be more appreciated.
I must say there have been a few people on these forums that did conduct themselves in a professional and courteous way and it is the ONLY reason I do not withdraw my offer completely. Thank you Tutor Me for the PM I will research the other site as well.
Best of luck to you all in whatever you want to accomplish. I look forward to seeing some great (remember WATERMARKED) work and to get a new logo for my CEO. Interested parties, I suggest you call my office.
P.S. If Megan dumps you please send me a PM.