marcoballistic wrote:
plus over 3.5 billion people can't be wrong

Some observations on this World Cup Thing.
1) Occasionally someone scores a goal which prompts some guy to run shirtless like a chicken with his head cut off. As goals are infrequent thankfully this doesn't happen often.
2) What's with that trophee? You can't celebrate with it cause you can't drink from it. The damn thing looks like a rhino's dildo.
(Note to all: Any trophee in Canada you can drink from e.g.Stanley Cup, Grey Cup and the Tim Horton's Cup)
3) It is a place for miracles as a guy who falls from a phantom hit is carried off the field on a stretcher and returns minutes later apparently completely cured. Could he have been faking? Oscar worthy.
4) As Canada is not in it it not truly a world cup.
5) It is progressing haowever as four years ago it was a video boring game with hardly any goals and now it is still boring but has added an obnoxious audio to it.
6)The only thing that could be worst than that damn horn is if they gave everyone in the stadium an accordian and they played Lady of Spain or even worst than that Bumble Bee Boogie.
Now that I have probably pi**ed most of you soccer fans off you must remember that's why I am here as my Photoshop skills are suspect at best.
My trusty remote control will now switch to channel 42 to watch old hockey games where they will score more goals in twenty minutes than the 3 games today at the world cup.