Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Gatherings and Meetings - PSC Names = Facebook Names (updated list) - Reply to topic
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Location: Columbus, OH
Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:02 pm Reply with quote
dbarger1225 - David Barger (haha, that was a mystery ... lol)
Facebook - facebookcom/dbarger1225
Location: Massachusetts
Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:38 pm Reply with quote
dbarger1225 wrote: dbarger1225 - David Barger (haha, that was a mystery ... lol)
Facebook - facebookcom/dbarger1225
Updated! Sorry I missed this for so long!
Location: pfft..
Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:45 am Reply with quote
I would love to have my PSC friends back on my list.
If you send me a request, please include PSC in the friends request though so I know who you are.
I generally nuke anyone who sends a request and either dont specify PSC or World war which is the game i play.
I am guilty for nuking a lot of you as I get real heavy into that game with full intentions of making another account, but that never happened, and i have plenty of room, so send them on 
_________________ ..
Location: Massachusetts
Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:41 am Reply with quote
Yes, please do include "PSC Friends" and/or your PSC username in the personal message if you add me. I do lurk (nearly) every day at PSC and I link to important PSC news on my Facebook. Anyone who wants to keep tabs on PSC happenings without leaving their alternate playground of Facebook is encouraged to add me to their Friends list. Again, please let me know who on PSC you are, even if you do not want to be on this publicly viewable list in this thread.
Currently, I post personal updates for all my FB Friends to see. I may, in the future, filter that so only "real" e-friends can see them. Using Facebook's privacy settings, I do post my game posts directly to a specific list of friends I believe are interested. And as people's interests change, I edit this list frequently. You will not even be able to see these game posts on my wall unless I know you want to be on that list, so I (generally) will not spam you. 
Location: Massachusetts
Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:36 pm Reply with quote
I thought you put your post in white text, blade. Then I tried to quote you and saw there were no color tags, but my post still came up blank on preview. I finally figured out the "url" tags are what's doing it... something for the coders to fix. I'll forward it to Supa after I finish updating the list.
blade_in_exile wrote:
Edit: sorted and updated. Link to blade_in_exile's facebook:
Location: pfft..
Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for keeping this thread updated so well Caf
_________________ ..
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:23 pm Reply with quote
What SCWIDetc said!
Thanks Caffy! 
Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:56 pm Reply with quote
Wow, facebook is pretty mean - I tried to add four PSC friends to my list, found here on this forum. And what happens?
After three additions I get a warning that I am adding TO MANY FRIENDS to my list, so I am some kind of stalker now.
And if I persue adding new friends, I will be banned from using facebook.
Location: Massachusetts
Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:41 pm Reply with quote
You're welcome!
and WHAT?!  Facebook keeps tinkering with their privacy settings, etc... must be an overzealous "bug" in that. Idea: PM people, even through PSC, and ask them to add you.
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