ToFu, I cant believe you havent been banned for such foul language!!
TheShaman, nice try but I KNOW no one is actually busy here. Dont make me go critique the images in the latest contest. You should be banned for such laziness!
Rey, I'll come back if you chop me something! I need to win!
Marco, WHERE? WHO? listen, while Im here...stop choppping, I need Rey's pending image to win!
Rein, not my sags more every year

Pretty soon it'll be as low as Nancers'
evE, Id ride in your box....truck any day.
SCION!!! (yeah, thats it. its our thing...remember?)
Listen, don't tell Nanc I was around....pleeeeheeease
*dives back in the dog house
Can someone just fill me in? Who is the best chopper? the hottest chopper? The worst? Anyone seen my buddy Bluefist? I left my foot up his ass and would kinda like it back.
Hi guys! Its good to know I can count on SOMEONE remembering me