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Location: Australia
Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:50 am Reply with quote
I use to vote a lot and comment, but then people got to sensitive and I got fed up with all the complaints and why people dont vote for me and the complete voting I just look and enjoy now days. If I vote it is because it is some thing very special.
I guess I could start up some of the old forum games, but even then people get all shitty and spoil the fun...I guess if PSC gets even more commercial people like myself will just fade away, it was never about the contest or prises for me just about the fun.
Location: Texas
Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:03 am Reply with quote
I guess I could start up some of the old forum games, but even then people get all shitty and spoil the fun...I guess if PSC gets even more commercial people like myself will just fade away, it was never about the contest or prises for me just about the fun.[/quote]
I had mentioned that all along in previous posts, about not being about the prizes and stuff. To me it should be about the community, the learning experience, the feedback, and opinions. I know that I didn't come here for a popularity contest, if I wanted that I would be on Facebook, Twitter, or something. I just want to make a few good friends, better myself in Photo Shop, Gimp, Bryce, Paint Shop, or whatever I use and learn what others feel and think about my works. From there I can always take their advice and better myself in the things that I produce. Without that, I feel that I may be wasting my time and one of the ones also to fade away even though such a short time here.
Location: Utah, USA
Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:09 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote:
I remember this comp well. So how do you feel the voters did you so wrong ANFA? 
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:52 am Reply with quote
TJ wrote: anfa wrote:
I remember this comp well. So how do you feel the voters did you so wrong ANFA? 
I feel they done me wrong because a very sloppy effort by Marco ended on the same amount of votes giving him the win. He even PMed me about it after the contest saying my chop should have won the contest. He seemed quite embarrassed by winning it.
He created a friendly vote monster that got out of control.
Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:44 am Reply with quote
I thnk we should stop talking about what all is wrong with the policy of PSC so far, and actually start DOING something.
Let's face it. We are brilliant at bitching about what's wrong and what could be better, but when it comes down to actually taking action and responsibility to improve this place, we all back down and topics die off.
I vote for the fact, that we should use this topic for remarking what is wrong, and at the end of a post actually think of a SOLUTION to that particular problem.
Than, note those 'problems' down, with it's solutions, and discuss with the Mods and Proc to actually start improving this thing, and solving problems, which have been here for far too long.
Because, before we want to do any marketing or advertising, we need to have this website solid at the inside.
Worst promotions are the ones that cannot be made true afterall.
My problem: people talking about everything that goes wrong, but won't do anything to actually solve it.
My solution: Mods, take remarks of intern problems seriously, and actually take action and try to solve it. I think PSC needs an entire new intern system for voting, so that the well known problem of 'vote whoring' for a person, instead of a piece of art could be solved. That's one problem that has been here for way too long now. But my actual solution to recent problems: Open up a topic in the news section, which sums up every problem users have. Note all the problems there, and solve each subject at a time.
_________________ [img][/img]
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:58 am Reply with quote
Hahahaha! I love it when people complain about people complaining! 
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:55 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: I use to vote a lot and comment, but then people got to sensitive and I got fed up with all the complaints and why people dont vote for me and the complete voting I just look and enjoy now days. If I vote it is because it is some thing very special.
I guess I could start up some of the old forum games, but even then people get all shitty and spoil the fun...I guess if PSC gets even more commercial people like myself will just fade away, it was never about the contest or prises for me just about the fun.
I'm not sure what you mean by PSC getting more commercial. (commercials?) Anyways you won't fade away, more commercials and ads about it means more guys joining the site, which means more fresh choppers, which will revive the community, attract old timers back with all the participation and add some fun to it.
Location: Brisbane Australia
Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:01 pm Reply with quote
rockyjob wrote: blue_lurker wrote: I use to vote a lot and comment, but then people got to sensitive and I got fed up with all the complaints and why people dont vote for me and the complete voting I just look and enjoy now days. If I vote it is because it is some thing very special.
I guess I could start up some of the old forum games, but even then people get all shitty and spoil the fun...I guess if PSC gets even more commercial people like myself will just fade away, it was never about the contest or prises for me just about the fun.
I'm not sure what you mean by PSC getting more commercial. (commercials?) Anyways you won't fade away, more commercials and ads about it means more guys joining the site, which means more fresh choppers, which will revive the community, attract old timers back with all the participation and add some fun to it.
"Read this a few times and you'll get a better understanding of how this place works!"
[img] [/img]
"It'll give you a better chance to recognise a few characters around the PSC trough!"
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:32 pm Reply with quote
Hello. I'll be back soon, after I finish editing this film. Summer is almost over, then comes the rain, then I'll be in the house more too. I usually chop or hang around here when I'm depressed, which comes with the crappy winter weather here. It's just an introverted personality trait, and the people here are easy to relate to and always cheer me up. I also liked it when Marco was in chat, we could be outright goofy which helped pass the time, and with a lively chat, plenty of other wonderful people would pop in and shoot the bull.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:43 pm Reply with quote
Awwwww, come on folks, can't we be just a little more upbeat and POSITIVE?!?!
All this doom and gloom is one of the things that drags this site down.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:51 pm Reply with quote
A site like PSC can only survive with active members.
So… when everybody is done with the pointing, nagging and grumble stuff, we are ready for a brand-new start. Time to Chop, Chat and Comment: STFUACCC!
Edit: 8 entries today??????????????
We become extremely exclusive 
Location: Brisbane Australia
Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:46 pm Reply with quote
"Sure Al, anything you say!"
[img] [/img]
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