Mart... superb. One of the problems I mentioned before was the man looking "flat" your changes seemed to give it back the 3d look. I can see that know and understand it better. Tyvm. Although I do prefer the text where I put it so it.... extends the picture more, your change on the text is perfect as well. The highlighting brings more of a tie in to the street lamp which is what I was trying to do..... you just did it better

I also agree on the sky. Honestly I just think I used the wrong source completely. I needed something more broken up yet defined. I picked that one and was going to make a storm, but it didnt work well.... yet I kept the source for some reason lol.
Design.... I agree the black under the bench is off. I made a huge mistake trying to freehand the shadowing on a new layer.... for about a good 5 minutes before I realized I was on the main BG layer

I only know how to ctl-alt-z till it stops letting me lol. The boarder was a test really. Trying to make reflective metal with just a brush. I agree it doesnt fit. I prefer just the black mat border personally. To define the edges.
Some mentioned about the darkness/text style... that was really the idea to me.
Basic story... A man, alone, in the middle of nowhere finds a bench to sit... not knowing where to go, if someone will pass. He has a feeling of distraught but the light brings him comfort. He absorbs it while contemplating his next move, at the crossroads of life.
The original idea I had was the same concept.....but the person was not on a bench, but in a covered bus stop with dim lighting. A sign pointing one way saying "nowhere"... a sign pointing the opposite direction saying "somewhere". I just couldnt find the sources to make it properly lol.
Again, I extremely appreciate the help and criticisms. I take nothing to heart but use your ideas to learn. Hopefully I can take all the advice and make this a finished project that.... in reality, we all made possible together
Keep the ideas/help/tell me why I suck comments coming!!!!