I didnt win. I think they counted paper ballots at the even a little more than online (I doont blame them, lol)
Thank you guys so much for voting. I miss you all and the site. I need to try to stop back more often.
Remeber me? Im Heather, Mozub,mousew/purpl, briefly "femalevolent"
I was also the original captain of the Talk like a pirate, pirate ship. Featured on lists of the STARS:
So, Im kinda a big deal... (ok I dont even have a frigging sock, but I was totally cool back in the day. Promise.)
I thought you might appreciate my need to vote whore (or vote productive social networking?) .
Im in a contest:
And there are pictures and photoshoppery to check out.
Heather for Queen!
...and if you want to collect the whole set, vote for chris for king.
Thats me^^^^^^^^^^^^^^