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Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:25 pm Reply with quote
On the web, there's a lot of stupid comments you can read on blogs. Nothing special, the usual thing. Same every day... all year long.
The common post this week: "2012 is coming!" or "God is showing us that something is wrong!"
I have no problem with it. We can't ask everybody to use their brains!
But when those kind of comments are from a known preacher on TV (I remember Pat Robertson about Haïti earthquake) or this week from dumbass Glenn Beck on radio, that disturbs me a little.
They don't help to make people smarter.
Yeah... freedom of speech... this is what makes America unique & so wonderful! Great!
So today, we have a winner... the king... today's champion, the great retarted Rush Limbaugh...
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:17 am Reply with quote
We all need to think about "the Fukushima 50" as they are called, I heard it reported that there is a team of @180 technicians, rotated in groups of 50 at a time, to do a job that will more than likely kill them all, or make them wish they were dead, each of these men have families, maybe a father, mother, brothers, sisters or children to leave behind, I was thinking we could do a tribute or something for the brave souls that are forced to risk everything to stop this runaway freight train, I was looking for a picture of the group, but nothing is posted on the web yet, if I start another thread called "The Fukushima 50" would anyone help create an image to honor them? I'll make something if anyone else will volunteer for this, we'll need at least a few members, so do we have anyone?
The faceless 50 who dared to stay back
Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:37 am Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: We all need to think about "the Fukushima 50" as they are called, I heard it reported that there is a team of @180 technicians, rotated in groups of 50 at a time, to do a job that will more than likely kill them all, or make them wish they were dead, each of these men have families, maybe a father, mother, brothers, sisters or children to leave behind, I was thinking we could do a tribute or something for the brave souls that are forced to risk everything to stop this runaway freight train, I was looking for a picture of the group, but nothing is posted on the web yet, if I start another thread called "The Fukushima 50" would anyone help create an image to honor them? I'll make something if anyone else will volunteer for this, we'll need at least a few members, so do we have anyone?
The faceless 50 who dared to stay back
Cool idea Paul!
I don't have so much time but I can be part of it.
BTW there's a link where we can already send something...
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:26 am Reply with quote
Thanks  I'll start the fhread, then we can post the link on that site after we get a few up.
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:25 am Reply with quote
50 hero's
After the explosion of Monday there are only 48 left.
Three of them are sick already 
Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:15 am Reply with quote
I didn't know. I thought because Japan is an ultra-organized country, I thought because they are conscious of the vulnerability to live on this land... ... anyway all I want to say is in this article...
Japanese have fascinating culture, they are wonderful people, their land is marvelous... but again, like everywhere else,
power & money make all the shit.
Like in any other countries, some bad & important decisions are taken. But it seems like it is just more risky in Japan...
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Tomorrow is a super-moon, when the moon is the closest to the earth, having the most effect of the tides, it is said that The Super Moon occurred in 1955, 1974, 1992and 2005.They were accompanied by extreme weather conditions.
Right now we don't need no stinking super-moon
Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:11 am Reply with quote
Why this 2012 joke was in your slideshow?
Location: Right here
Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:17 am Reply with quote
Claf wrote: Sh!Za wrote: guys.... thats really sad, but we have a way bigger problem!!!! if one of that nuclear power station explode, it will be a disaster, WORLD WIDE!!!!!!
No big problem with nuclear station. They are usually well prepared.
_________________ When I walk across the water, then my critics say, he can't even swim!
Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:39 am Reply with quote
Sh!Za wrote: Claf wrote: Sh!Za wrote: guys.... thats really sad, but we have a way bigger problem!!!! if one of that nuclear power station explode, it will be a disaster, WORLD WIDE!!!!!!
No big problem with nuclear station. They are usually well prepared.
Of course, like anybody else, the first day I wasn't so well informed about the power plant...
and today we still don't know how this tragedy will end.
It is scary for the neighbors around the nuclear disaster, and for the courageous workers risking their lives and health.
This is sad for the underwater nature close to Fukushima prefecture, and the important Japanese fishing industry.
But the WORLD WIDE disaster you're talking about isn't really serious. Like some American & European medias, specialists or pseudo-specialists,
you were too alarmist.
And those kind of too alarmist informations or misinformations probably helped stupid things going on like stockpiling of potassium iodide pills in North America.
The big disaster was the tsunami.
And in fact, the power plant wasn't damage by the earthquake but by this unexpected huge tsunami.
BTW I found this interesting Japanese animation... nuclear problems for dummies...
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