anfa wrote:
OK, so I entered a contest again so I thought I'd be a good guy and just vote until my votes run out. That didn't happen. I run out of entries before votes! This shit doesn't make sense anymore!
i'm not here a lot - even after signing up on Advantage for 2 years! oy! but I can't get rid of all my votes either! like it's a a real chore to have that many votes to use. Usually I vote for a few and am so wiped out (not just from voting) that I leave intending to return the next evening to see what else I'd give a vote for...
but usually i just come home and fall asleep returning a few days later, and oh, yeah, I was going to vote for that one, would have voted for that one, oh, so and so might have been hurt that I didn't vote for them... I feel bad for a few minutes... then I have to turn off the computer and fall over into bed.
so if you got one of my few votes I did one night consider yourself lucky I was still awake, or you didn't get one you thought you'd get, sorry
i just get really sleepy when I vote.
how about a window where you can vote for several at a time! that would really help me!