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Location: Arizona
Mon May 16, 2011 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Well with the second source picture being what it is I will most likely be taking a seat in here. To be honest I never saw myself getting out of the first round. So I am lucky to have got past 1. I guess I am just babbling on now so save me a spot. 
Mon May 16, 2011 5:52 pm Reply with quote
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed May 18, 2011 12:58 am Reply with quote
I'm gonna preemptively pull up a spot in here. I finally got my PC working enough that I could chop with it. But I need to get to bed. So I submitted what I'd gotten to. It's so completely far from being done but at least I'm not a no-show.
So now I'm gonna root for Dream_weaver to kick all y'alls butts in the coming rounds! 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Australia
Wed May 18, 2011 4:25 am Reply with quote
We will be serving free battered and bruise chicken in approximately 2 hours...
Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA
Wed May 18, 2011 5:32 am Reply with quote
please assign a chair for my opponent in Round #2
Thx BL
_________________ Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.
Location: Masurian Lake District
Wed May 18, 2011 5:46 pm Reply with quote
So many great entries in the round 2! At least three will find place in my favs.
Also my opponent did a great job so I won't be surprised if I'll sit here with you guys
BTW it's my first H2H and I didn't know that votes on my entry are also invisible. I think I'll lose all my hair till friday 
Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA
Thu May 19, 2011 12:35 am Reply with quote
Rangizzz wrote: So many great entries in the round 2! At least three will find place in my favs.
Also my opponent did a great job so I won't be surprised if I'll sit here with you guys
BTW it's my first H2H and I didn't know that votes on my entry are also invisible. I think I'll lose all my hair till friday 
 I'm not sure if I see this right and if you ask me for my opinion I'ld recommend you to sit down first!
Barkeeper a seat for this young chopper! 
_________________ Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.
Location: Masurian Lake District
Thu May 19, 2011 2:55 am Reply with quote
buglover wrote:
The question is will he sell me a beer at that age? 
Location: Australia
Thu May 19, 2011 3:49 am Reply with quote
Rangizzz wrote: buglover wrote:
The question is will he sell me a beer at that age? 
Sorry cant sell ya a beer its against the law...but I can give ya one for free...I love the laws around here
Location: Massachusetts
Fri May 20, 2011 8:17 am Reply with quote
I'm really getting to hate birds in shining armor.
BIG CONGRATS to Jack420! Best of luck to you in Round 3; I'll be rooting for you!
Now... gimme a strong drink. That's right. And make it a double.... espresso. 
Location: Largo, FL
Fri May 20, 2011 8:30 am Reply with quote
Claiming my seat! Be here till July 1st. Make it a double, keep 'em coming!
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