Ok, this is a 2 parter and may end up being a fairly long post.... but making more then 1 thread would make me look desperate and greedy. I prefer you all to see me in my real light, Irish and tipsy.
Part 1.
I have currently have a tattoo I did myself about 5 years ago (my 1st one) of the Guinness harp on by bicep. Being it not only the 1st tattoo I had but being the 1st time I ever held a tattoo gun was doing it, it turned out so-so. Problem is, I can't come up with anything that either go with it, or help make it look better. Now that I'm more proficient in tattoos after 5 years, I'm having trouble picking out what to do. I want to eventually to my whole arm to at least the shoulder from the elbow, if not to the wrist.... but I don't mind starting small and working from it. To be honest, what I would love to eventually do, baring this thread goes somewhere, is do an entire sleeve based on unique ideas I get from people here. I know thats an odd goal, but I love the site, I love the people....and more so, I love the talent. Any work submitted will have all credits given and professional photos taken as well. So, if you need a pic of the current tattoo to see what you are working with and my ideas of what I am looking for, feel free to post and I will post a reply
Part 2:
Some of you are friends of mine on facebook and may or may not know, I am a single parent of 2 kids (4 and 5) who are autistic. It's an interesting road trying to teach them things at a different pace then some may call "normal". I have to use more association with things then I assume other parents do, but It's fun. The problem I have is teaching them seems to be easier if I teach them things as a combination. It may be hard to understand.... so Ill try and explain....
They almost completely lack communication skills. I have found that by trying to teach things like eyes, ears, mouth and things when it comes to placements and what they do, just flies over their heads. It I combine things unrelated, they take interest. So, we have a "body" we made together. It helps teach them the body parts and also food names at the same time. I know that seems odd, but bare with me....
I let my kids name the parts of the body an assign a food to it as well. That way they are learning multiple things at one time. So far, it seems to be working. So.... what I need is a visual of those things as something I can print out for them or show them on the computer. Visual aids are better for autistic kids then anything. Well, what I need is someone to make a picture of a person using the foods they picked out. Heres a list....
Olive eyes, grilled cheese cheeks, broccoli hair, cauliflower ears, hot pepper lips, corn teeth, and carrot nose. If I even just get the face, it will be worth it. But, in case...Ill add the rest of the body. Banana fingers, string cheese arms, pickle toes, apple knees, and celery legs. (the rest would be up to your imagination.)
If nothing comes of either request, It's fine.....no complaints. I know most of you have jobs and families and time is hard to come by...but if you get the time or feel the need.....I will be all smiles