We have decided.
The 2011 Scavenger Hunt has the following schedule.
Team selection and formation will end this Friday at midnight (9/23) so get your act together in the next few days.
The actual contest will start the following Monday (9/26) and will run for 2 weeks at which time we will cut off submissions and we judges will retire to our Swiss chalet to peel and eat grapes and consider the relative merits of each entry.
I will post the tasks Monday at 8:00 am (est) here, in this thread as well as on the official scavenger hunt website. The website will remain locked until all submissions have been received and posted, then the site will be unlocked and all submissions viewable whilst we judges . . . er . . .
I will also post the official entry e-mail to which which all contestants will e-mail their entries.
Any questions, post here.