Man. I just had to go look up RickRolled on Wikipedia.
I'm SO old.
Oscar, dude. Some of life's best lessons come from the people you gonna play and hang with.
Looks like you been schooled.
I dated a 24 year old once when I was 40 (SHE chased ME, folks - I wasn't lookin for it)(and, of course, didn't say NO to it

) and here is a lesson I learned:
I had no problems accessing my "inner" 24 year old when needed, but she was challenged in accessing her "inner" 40 year old. This eventually caused problems with our relationship. But she learned some shit from me, and I in turn learned from her.
Oscar, you is the age you is and you'll most likely act that age (or less

)a lot in your life. That's cool and how Nature intended, it seems. But you CAN look ahead a bit if you want to. Us old folks DO have
some shit to give you, if you'll take it.
RashDogMan is only acting HIS age, and he did it in a pretty straightforward and non-assholic way. Some of your peers here agreed with Rash. Take a look at what we're saying dude, and then (as is always so) YOU get to make the final call.
Okay - my apologies if I've flapped off too much. It is Sunday here in Canada (don't know what kinda day the rest of you might be having

) so I guess I'm feeling a little Preachy.
P.S. AND I wanted everyone to know that I still could attract the Young Beauties when I was 40. WHooo HOOO! Now (as Borat would say) not so much 