TJ wrote:
TheShaman wrote:
TJ wrote:
Sean, Nathan and Eve give me shite for my GRAMMAR AND SPELLING, but
there is a very good reason for it.

They're Their There big guy... Iz ok. I never give anyone shit for spellin.
huked awn foniks werked fer meh!
Edit: Fuck you Shamam bitch dog twat! Did I get that fucking right?

Yep. AND You had "THERE" right the first time too teabag.
FYI: I was making fun of myself with the huked awn foniks shit.
Thank God for auto correct/spell check I say. I don't correct people for spelling cause I suck at it!
ALSO: I was just havin fun with the They're Their There, cause its such a frequent mistake by EVERYONE. It wasn't a slam on you.
Someone take TJ's keys... he's hit the angry part of being drunk