cringer8 wrote:
anfa wrote:
The-Masked-Layer wrote:
anfa wrote:
A tie?

At Anfield and we were down to ten men.
I just finished watching the game and Newcastle was the better team on the field. They had control of the game, but they blew a one goal lead against a team with only one decent player on offense (and he's a total douche).
Liverpool's goal was just dumb luck, but Newcastle blew sooooo many opportunies on offense! They should have had four goals! It was driving me CRAZY

and I'm not even a fan.
I don't know how you made it through that game without having a stroke, Anfa.
Oh, and you were only down a man for the last six minutes

LOL!!! Cringer, you can insult a man's mother, question his masculinity, even take his last shred of dignity and grind it in the dirt, but I think you might be pushing it by questioning Anfa's Newcastle UFC!
Suarez is a total douche.