For those who don't care, well... move along to the next topic.
For those who have received bribes, er who care, I am back. Not 100%, maybe 30%. I was very ill the last several months. Gnarly disorder.... no treatment. Sad blah blah blah... don't let Evil win!! Freedom Fries!!!
Visual perception going wonky - what I think I see is not always what I actually see.
Asking for your help - please leave comments on my entries regarding blatant technical crap: lawnmower cuts, cattywampus shadow or lighting - stuff like that. I rate myself an "eh minus" but if I look like I'm drowning in the kiddie pool, please speak up. "You suck" is OK if paired with how I suck or how I'm getting suckier.
I just need some guidance. Ironically. Apparently I need to hire new pandas.
Thank you,
Some loon Guided By Pandas
p.s. Video production was on hold whilst I was healing. Resuming and hoping to complete before I'm pushing up daisies (tho that would be a neat ghost trick).
p.s.s. Is everyone across the globe experiencing a lot of "phpBB Critical error..." messages? Seems like folk are carrying on per usual, but I've barely been able to connect to the site no matter which browser I use. Could be anti-Panda Warfare... they did warn me.
Furthermore blah blah blah... Have a nice weekend. - Post edited from original novel length.