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Location: Geordieland, UK
Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Murder is easier if you have a gun at hand.
Location: Albany, NY
Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:41 pm Reply with quote
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:52 am Reply with quote
Werdnaibor wrote: [youtube][/youtube]
I think I love you!(but not in a gay way) I Already LOVE this song!
I fucking love Pearl Jam. Seen them live twice and both times I had to travel down south(England) to see them.
Brilliant band. Have you seen the documentary "Twenty"? If not, you should see it.
Location: Albany, NY
Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:59 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: [youtube][/youtube]
I think I love you!(but not in a gay way) I Already LOVE this song!
I fucking love Pearl Jam. Seen them live twice and both times I had to travel down south(England) to see them.
Brilliant band. Have you seen the documentary "Twenty"? If not, you should see it.
I have seen Twenty. I liked watching Eddie lying on the ground during a performance after drinking heavily, but still singing perfectly. By the way, has your government started systematically eliminating its citizens yet?
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:59 am Reply with quote
Nothing to do with the topic, but another epic song from the same album.
And back on topic. With loose gun laws, the bullies are comfortable, and the bullied go on shooting sprees.
Lose the gun thing. The rest of the civilized world think you are idiots!
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:13 am Reply with quote
'Merica. I'm not a bad person, but I would like to walk around with a small killing machine with me at all times.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:46 am Reply with quote
Back on topic.
Location: Albany, NY
Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:13 am Reply with quote
I want this microphone mask contraption so badly.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:46 am Reply with quote
She folded. Our dissident is here.
Location: Indiana, USA
Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:27 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote: Murder is easier if you have a gun at hand.
Yes, yes it is. But it seems we will need to outlaw pressure cookers as well. Right now ANYONE can buy one with no background check and there's no limit on the number of quarts they can carry. And then we will have to ban potash and nitrogen and Alka Seltzer.
And what caliber handgun did Cain use to murder Able?
Oh yeah, I noticed you're a Brit. I used to think that if i was in a war i'd rather have a Brit with me than most anyone else. But after seeing how you've all turned into a bunch of animal rights, camera up yer but weenies... I think I'd rather be in the trenches with a french cook.
Location: Indiana, USA
Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:38 am Reply with quote
Claf wrote: jaw2785 wrote: Claf wrote: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Paine, Lee, Henry, Adams... the all died 200 years ago.
The American Second Amendment was adopted 116 years before John Wayne was born.
It's old stories, far from 21st century reality.
I'm from the North, living on a land called Canada, and from here this gun debate looks a little retarded!
But I think that if I lived in the United States, I'd certainly have in my possession several guns... because like in any other country on this little planet, half the population there are idiots... and they also have guns!! How can I trust them!?

I believe everyone should turn in their guns like a good Canadian, Put cameras up everyone's butt like a good Englishman. Ban working dog breeds like an hysterical city council and run around killing each other with machetes... by the millions... like a any good Rahwandan.
How's that work for you Miss Canada.
If you are stupid enough to trust your government or ANY government then you are the perfect subject of that government. But you are certainly not a free citizen as long as that government can do whatever it damn well pleases to you and yours. Only the young and naive lack the memory to recall how many millions of humans have died for the truth of true freedom. When you start trusting governments you have surrendered to those governments.
The argument that everything is different today than 200 years ago is a lie from the pit of hell. Human nature NEVER changes and those who can consolidate power and weaken the masses always have and always will abuse that power. It must be nice to live in a time where evil is considered dead and buried.
But believe me... evil is alive and well in the hearts of every human being. The only difference is that those with power can wield the sword of evil with a power never dreamed of by the individual. You think mass murder on the scale of the "Ultimate Solution" is impossible today? If so... history proves you the fool. Time and time again.
I pray you never see the day...
Like you, Miss Canada don't trust her government or any other government. Politics, power, money... whatever, corruption rules the world...
...always been like this.
But I have nothing to fear.
The "evil" you are talking about, I call it human nature. And of course human nature never changes...
...but times have changed and there is things we can deal different ways.
It will be war and death, but again, nothing to scare me.
In my freedom, there is no fear.
You don't need to loe self inflated aren't you. 200 years ain't squat when it comes to human nature. You should really learn some history, because you are the type who would allow it to repeat itself by your apathy and "enlightened" mentality. ose your time praying for me...
jaw2785 wrote: And you think your college degree makes YOU smarter than all these people who saw that all governments are self seeking? You really ar
You can have your college degree, lot of knowledge, success, knowing all human history... but you can also be an idiot. It doesn't matter.
And it doesn't matter in what you believe, there are idiots on all sides.
You said: "But believe me... evil is alive and well in the hearts of every human being".
I will say: "But believe me, idiocy is alive and well in the brain of every human being".
... and by the way, I said this without any pretension.
Evil prospers when good men stand by, believing they have nothing to fear.
And you wreak of smug pretentiousness.
Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:42 am Reply with quote
jaw2785 wrote: ose your time praying for me...
I can try to send you good energy but sorry, I can't pray.
jaw2785 wrote: Evil prospers when good men stand by, believing they have nothing to fear.
If there is stupid evil turning around me, my "black belt" wife will kick his ass! 
Location: Albany, NY
Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:55 am Reply with quote
Wait, how is the person who doesn't feel the need to have a gun for protection the "weenie?"
Location: Seattle
Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:49 pm Reply with quote
Werdnaibor wrote: Wait, how is the person who doesn't feel the need to have a gun for protection the "weenie?"
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