Ok. I'll say it.
You're a nazi.
Fake virus? Muslim rapist cunts?
How often are YOU on the frontlines of what's going on right now?
How many people have YOU seen die from this?
How many people have YOU seen intubated?
How many people have you seen go from perfectly healthy to close to dying in a matter of HOURS?
Please. Do tell.
Because, as someone who's in healthcare and around this shit on a daily basis - who has to go to work every day because of being an essential worker - whose wife has a compromised immune system and hasn't been able to be with her in WEEKS - I'm getting a little sick of your shit.
Started coming back to this site again out of boredom and to get a break from all of the drama that I deal with on a daily fucking basis but I login and see ignorant posts from a racist piece of shit.
You can take your wild conspiracy theories and your dumb ass comments and fuck ALL the way off.
Don't like it?
Be the first in line to come spend a shift with me without PPE on.
Don't wanna do that? Too chicken shit?
Then shut the FUCK up.
monopoid wrote:
Sweden...over run with the fake virus and muslim rapist cunts...but you can still go for a pint and a sing song.
If I have over stepped the mark, please feel free to call me a nazi.