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Location: Leipzig

Post Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:27 pm   Reply with quote         

mason4300 wrote:
I've got a bajillion photos I could submit but I'd have to format them all for PSC standards. -_-

Oh, and I'd have to have Advantage to even submit them? You guys are killing me.

Me too I wish I was advantaged. I have a lot of photos. I think Advantaged seems slightly more advantaged than it needs to be in order to make people want it. Why do you need to be advantaged just to submit photos? it doesn't make sense, especially since you seem to be running low quite often.


Location: On Deck, South by Southeast

Post Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:56 pm   Reply with quote         

Actually, that IS a good point.

I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.


Location: Leipzig

Post Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:02 am   Reply with quote         

can somebody do something about it before we forget?? Confused

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't
Site Moderator

Post Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:31 am   Reply with quote         

Mods can't change the rules of Advantage, only owners can change the code.

If you upload source photos to a hosting site and send me a link, I can add them to the voting queue.


Location: Morlaix, France

Post Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:04 pm   Reply with quote         

And. .. what about all the photos in sent you in February ???


Location: The Netherlands

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:52 am   Reply with quote         

And how long does it take when a photo is accepted to become a contest image?
In the past few weeks 21 were accepted, but I don't see any between the contest images. Just wondering...


Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:16 am   Reply with quote         

vokaris wrote:
Mods can't change the rules of Advantage, only owners can change the code.

If you upload source photos to a hosting site and send me a link, I can add them to the voting queue.

Oh OK. Nice we can still get around the rules if not change them. Are there still size and shape restrictions on the pictures from hosting sites?

I can post them on Unsplash? I also have a Postimg account. What is the most convenient hosting site for you?

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't
Site Moderator

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:49 am   Reply with quote         

DaVinci wrote:
And how long does it take when a photo is accepted to become a contest image?
In the past few weeks 21 were accepted, but I don't see any between the contest images. Just wondering...
It looks like the contests are all lined up about 11 months in advance. The source image that received the most votes yesterday, July 9, 2020, is scheduled for the future contest starting June 10, 2021.

Site Moderator

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:08 am   Reply with quote         

Zizounai wrote:
And. .. what about all the photos in sent you in February ???
Scheduled for:
January 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 25
February 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 19

Site Moderator

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:18 am   Reply with quote         

Papchap wrote:
vokaris wrote:
Mods can't change the rules of Advantage, only owners can change the code.

If you upload source photos to a hosting site and send me a link, I can add them to the voting queue.

Oh OK. Nice we can still get around the rules if not change them. Are there still size and shape restrictions on the pictures from hosting sites?

I can post them on Unsplash? I also have a Postimg account. What is the most convenient hosting site for you?
Source image rules:

Image must be exactly 1280x960 and under 600KB.
Images with proper names (ex. Flying Bird.jpg)
will be reviewed faster. Both descriptive and creative
names are allowed. Do not submit the same image numerous
times from different angles. Pick the best one.

That said, I can crop, resize and adjust compression as needed to fit the requirements.

Hosting site - no preference.

Unfortunately the image credit is tied for the person uploading the image to PSC (i.e. yours truly), this is part of the site code that mods don't have access to. Best I can do is, if I remember 11 months from now, to add a comment with credit to the author when the project starts.


Location: The Netherlands

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:40 am   Reply with quote         

vokaris wrote:
DaVinci wrote:
And how long does it take when a photo is accepted to become a contest image?
In the past few weeks 21 were accepted, but I don't see any between the contest images. Just wondering...
It looks like the contests are all lined up about 11 months in advance. The source image that received the most votes yesterday, July 9, 2020, is scheduled for the future contest starting June 10, 2021.

Ok thanks, all clear now! And wow, 11 months in advance...who knew! Cool


Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:29 am   Reply with quote         

vokaris wrote:
It looks like the contests are all lined up about 11 months in advance. The source image that received the most votes yesterday, July 9, 2020, is scheduled for the future contest starting June 10, 2021.

Shocked woaw.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't

Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:45 pm   Reply with quote         

how are people given advantage? is it automatic upon payment or do mods or owners have to register it?

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't
Site Moderator

Post Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:06 am   Reply with quote         

Bump. Fresh new sources needed.
vokaris wrote:
A friendly reminder - we are running out of source images. You know what to do to avert the source queue meltdown. Go for it!

Rules are the same as before, repeated below for your convenience.

vokaris wrote:
This is a call for PSC members to submit new original images for future contest sources.
The current queue of available images is depleting quickly and we need fresh ones.

Note: submitting new images and voting for future sources is available to Advantage users only.
Go to Advantage - Submit Originals.

- file format: jpg
- image size: exactly 1280px x 960px, landscape orientation
- file size: under 600KB
- proper file naming: descriptive or creative, e.g. White Flower.jpg

- do not submit copyrighted images, or other images found on the Internet
- do not submit the same image numerous times
- do not submit series of photos of the same scene taken from different angles

- images should be of good quality, in focus, with no excessive noise
- phone camera photos usually end up being rejected
- if needed, crop, adjust levels and resize
- don't use excessive PS manipulations, filters, oversharpening, etc.

Go! Take Pictures! Submit!

billtvshow wrote:
Keep em' coming.

One other thing that can cause a number of your photos to get rejected is when you submit a bunch of photos that show repetitive landscapes / objects / subjects. Usually, the best one or maybe two of any such photos will be approved and the rest rejected.
Also, there's an overabundance of flowers in the source pool, so try to avoid those for now.

billtvshow wrote:

Just to repeat, two things to avoid that will help save time during approvals and increase your chances of getting images through:
1 - Unless you have a spectacular cell phone camera, avoid cell phone shots at all costs; they just don't look good / clear enough for the most part.
2 - Don't upscale images that were taken below the resolution requirement. A good number of images from this last group fell into this category and some of them would've made great sources, but the image quality was far too low and blurry / pixelated because of upscaling.

Also, we're starting to get an awful lot of cats in the queue now, might want to avoid those as well.

Feel free to keep the images coming!


Location: New York

Post Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:31 pm   Reply with quote         

Just uploaded 30 or so. Not sure how many (if any) are useable.


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