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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - Several of us asked to make the site better - Reply to topic

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Location: Leipzig

Post Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:53 am   Reply with quote         

I think advantage should be given to everyone. A small site with such a small membership using a premium service doesnt really make sense. It just divides people even more and discourages newcomers.

I vote against all anonymous contests and all radical changes to voting strategies because anonymity doesnt help things feel like a community and the voting system seems fine as it is, although it would help if more members were actively voting.

I think just a small change to make votes feel more valuable would help. like what i mentioned in my first post.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't

Location: PA USA

Post Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:53 am   Reply with quote         

People that bitch about lack of participation in the contests, but do not participate themselves, loose their credibility.
So as the old saying here goes, STFUAC Very Happy


Location: On Deck, South by Southeast

Post Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:46 am   Reply with quote         

Tawiskaro wrote:
I vote NO on the numeric rating system. A simple vote or no vote works and presents no resolution issues with existing records. Anonymity for all contests works for me.

It would be nice to see a GIF category in the galleries.


It would work if we had a finite number of points to allocate. For instance, 100. Then votes might look like

Entry A. 20
Entry B. 9
Entry C. 1 (nice try)
Entry D. 30
Entry E. 11
and so on.

I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.


Location: france

Post Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:57 pm   Reply with quote         

There's to post for ten persons and votes
I hope psc will become the friendly crowded place I have known again, even with a few dictators as always in the pool


Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:17 am   Reply with quote         

I would put my vote on the $10 a day idea becuase it would probably attract more members, whereas the 1st, 2nd and 3rd idea would not change anything except the way the money is given out.

what does everyone else say


Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:24 am   Reply with quote         

The letter is soon to be sent! but I think we should get people's opinion on which prize system should be put in place.

it's either Prince Laurent's, or Genisis2's.

Prince Laurent wrote:

It would be nice if PSC offered $10 per win/day, instead of $50 for a single day.
Same costs for the site.
Free entry on weekends, for the fun.


Genisis2 wrote:
Divide prize contest $50 prize; 1st gets $25, second gets $15, third gets $10.


Conserve the current system.

whado y'all thank?

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't

Location: Morlaix, France

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:36 am   Reply with quote         

I think both ideas are very good.
I also think it would be time so send the letter to Rajan.


Location: Norway

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:42 am   Reply with quote         

If you put up an entry that had a major flaw (bad cutout, different resolution, etc...) it was brought up and discussed. If you were lucky a friendly member would guide you to a solution. Since I have returned I have commented on images where I thought there was a flaw, but it didn't lead to a discussion...and I somehow felt like a bad guy.

This is a good example of Gort's point about feedback on an image:

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:50 am   Reply with quote         

ShootHerman wrote:
If you put up an entry that had a major flaw (bad cutout, different resolution, etc...) it was brought up and discussed. If you were lucky a friendly member would guide you to a solution. Since I have returned I have commented on images where I thought there was a flaw, but it didn't lead to a discussion...and I somehow felt like a bad guy.

This is a good example of Gort's point about feedback on an image:

I noticed. Its very good. I will be more conscious of that from now on

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't

Location: Morlaix, France

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:56 am   Reply with quote         

Hi everybody Smile
I just posted the message to Rajan as follows:

Hi Rajan,

Thanks for your reply.
We asked the other members, and even if we didn�t agree on everything to ask you, here is what we retained:

To get more members, the look and the security of the website would be important.
Make the site prettier/adapt to be a bit more modern

- increase image resolutions to look nicer adapting faster loading speeds: PSC logo, all thumbnails and avatar size limits (! this is important I think)

- remove the slogan underneath "" and make "" bigger.

- add more colors or theme options such as "Dark Mode"

Give the site better security, so that it shows "Secure" in the search bar
This would just be good for new members because it makes it easier to trust that the website is not bad for them. Right now, it shows "Not Secure"

Make site navigation easier

- remove some menu options that aren't used anymore: Prizes, News, Tutorials (nobody has made a PSC tutorial in years, and everybody uses YouTube)

Advertise for PSC again

A lot of new members are missing, and advertising would help attract new people

We would like "PSC to feel like it�s full of people who are learning and helping and having fun"

Other ideas about the contests

- allow vertical (portrait size) pics for the entries
- allow to give longer titles to the entries
- allow longer messages for comments on the entries, and get a notification when you have a reply on a post which is not yours
- propose theme contests as well.
- Gif and JPG chops should be in separate contests.

About the prizes, we had different suggestions from the members, all of which seem rather interesting:


It would be nice if PSC offered $10 per win/day, instead of $50 for a single day.
Same costs for the site.
Free entry on weekends, for the fun.
At least there would be more participation per day, more new friendly contacts.


Divide prize contest $50 prize:

- 1st gets $25,
- second gets $15,
- third gets $10. This way more people will share the cash.

A majority of us think that more anonymity would be better, to avoid friendly votes and resentment.

We also had some ideas about the vote system on which we don�t all agree, so maybe we�ll see to that later.

I think these proposals could be a good start to make the website more agreeable for the users and also more attractive to get new members.

Thanks again for helping, don�t hesitate to ask us if you need more specifics.
Thanks also for keeping us informed of ExpertRating's reaction.

Kind wishes to you and your team.

Zizouna� & Papchap

Fingers crossed now!!! drunken


Location: Leipzig

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:34 am   Reply with quote         

thanks for changing

Make the site prettier/adapt to be a bit more modern


To get more members, the look and the security of the website would be important.
Make the site prettier/adapt to be a bit more modern

if we come to a consensus on the prizing system, we should send rajan another message saying which one we want, right?

also, we should send rajan the link to this forum so he can see for himself what people said.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't

Location: Morlaix, France

Post Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:47 am   Reply with quote         

Papchap you didn't read the beginning or my message:

Hi everybody
I just posted the message to Rajan as follows:

Better wait for Rajan's reaction now, we can adjust later accordingly...
I might not be wise to send him a link to the forum, as some have been a bit rude Sad


Location: PA USA

Post Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:26 am   Reply with quote         

You raised the flags, you locked and loaded, you sharpened your sabers, you beat the drums, you charged the barricades, what happened? Shocked


Location: Leipzig

Post Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:26 pm   Reply with quote         

genesis2 wrote:
You raised the flags, you locked and loaded, you sharpened your sabers, you beat the drums, you charged the barricades, what happened? Shocked

everybody please write to rajan

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't
Lord David

Location: Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001, United Federation of Planets, Alpha Quadrant.

Post Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:20 pm   Reply with quote         

As an oldschooler here, the site needs a clear upgrade.

Overhaul the whole upload system. Yes allow for vertical entries. Larger file sizes etc for regular users.

Keep advantage to see upcoming sources in advance and be able to upload your own (for voting of course).

An updated main interface, maybe use drop down menus or a collapsible side menu like in Youtube.

A search bar in people's profile pages.

An updated forum.

A Phone version of the site, maybe even an app.

Official Facebook, Instagram and Youtube pages, including PSC Old School Chat.

This needs to happen. Or else it will eternally remain this dead.


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