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Location: PA USA

Post Wed Dec 15, 2021 3:24 pm   Reply with quote         

There are only a handful of people submitting entries, if they stop, will the site die ?


Location: New York

Post Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:40 am   Reply with quote         

genesis2 wrote:
There are only a handful of people submitting entries, if they stop, will the site die ?


I chop as much as time permits. Sometimes I throw a chop together to fill an empty contest. Sometimes I lose interest and bail out for months. Then I see a chop like today's Image of the Day. Cosmix put together an amusing, well-executed and creative chop that would have garnered fifty votes ten years ago. Today it finished first in a field of one with a mere eight votes. Still, choppers like Cosmix make me hopeful.

What is discouraging to me is the apparent lack of interest in developing the site by the owners. I suspect this place is on the block. The call for volunteers to test the site in a newer version of PHP has resulted in not much of anything, so far. I conducted some testing and reported my findings. After a week I received a response that was strange and unrelated to anything I reported. I responded to that message on December 7. As of this moment, my message has not been read.

If I had to guess, someone wants to clean up the code here before selling the place. I hope I am wrong.
I love this site. I like the look. There are a few things I would change, but not many. An enthusiastic, engaged owner could make this place sizzle.

Time will tell.



Location: The middle of Floor-Duh

Post Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:59 am   Reply with quote         

genesis2 wrote:
There are only a handful of people submitting entries, if they stop, will the site die ?

As Rush use to say:
I'm in a "Blue Funk".

It comes and goes. Sometimes (like lately) I look at the pic to chop and draw a blank.


Location: france

Post Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:43 pm   Reply with quote         

I got much involved on this site 20 years ago.It was filled with super funny and not greatly executed chops then, every day there were many funny entries.

And some people started to kick ass, posting funny chops that were very well done, impressingly.

I'm from that first/second batch and there was no point in posting an entry that wasn't made to be funny, talent set apart.

That's about the whole difference, people. No fun, no participation. It happened then as some very good choppers got bored by the whining of newscomers "with a feeling" that sucked, wanted to be artists, made pics that were not funny, noone cared about their talent because we had the same or much better a talent, and as we tried to repel them sharing insults and enjoying the constant bashing of people in the chat room we all got pissed off by a website filled of people who sucked at ps, certainly not trying to be funny and therefore our day wasn't even any better thank to psc anymore. Some became true PS gods frankly, nothing got any better when it comes to compositing, like building a character from tenths of different images for instance. And some of those like me too had turned into true photoshop pros, I mean above the rest in terms of creativity, technique, and quickness...true production skills.

I got a couple spare minutes to share that with you as I'm reinstalling an OS.

So that's all that has ever happened, it was funny pics, we'd all rush to psc to check the daily entries and all were very excited, the pics became not fun anymore and it died except the creeps that mean to depress you with their technique or artistry had taken over, completely.

You know what ? When something as obvious happens, that tends to depress you, well sometimes it just slips in and you don't even know what happened, like you can't even name it. And it's what happened. It's that when you encounter people who steal the fun (or love, hope whatever authentic feeling) from you, depressing moods are effective because they stay undetected, like you're unaware in fact.

If you know, now, a single cool guy who's trying and managing to amuse you with his entry because it's nuts and not that good, you know who'll save this site and your fun, because he's trying to bring you fun.
Funny is funny, it's not like...industrial artistry that's normally paid work fun. For myself, noway I'll chop anything if it's not for fun or/and for money, and you're like that as well or something else is wrong and I don't have to look into your day schedule anyway.

That's what happened then, and what's going on.

I wanted to let you figure out because I lived that transition from super fun-paced lively site to depressing with sick bs.

If you want the site to live on and even to start again it's gotta be funny chops that are quickly and well done because noone cares about the rest except those who'd be your enemies in the real life and I'll let you figure out by yourselves.

Anyways the internet has gone so filled with formatted propaganda for firms governments whatever, everything being illegal from data management to policies, to data theft, fake forums, fake social networks called the true one, aka burglars incorporated in your own property as you buy it, I mean a place where you do need a gun for defending your property, your data, your own computer...electricity you pay for they use that I can't imagine anything good going on here or anywhere else on the internet.

It has become, against all odds, the US military network it was made for...allowing only bytes that serve the US companies and their "vision" of free speech, in that vision there's me as muted as they don't listen to me unlike what phoney paranoid dudes would say , they see that as they do it and they make it again. The european internet is the same. The whole thing sucks.

Nowadays that post is what good I'd do to my fellow pscers although I don't post anymore.


Location: PA USA

Post Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:26 pm   Reply with quote         

drunken Doh! bounce :psc: shakng2 Hmmm Shocked Rolling Eyes


Location: Norway

Post Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:55 pm   Reply with quote         

The competing site that a member started up, photoshopnation, is now closed.
Can I ask one of the mods in here: have you considered to close down the 50$ contests every tuesday, and then later close down this site?

These days its almost only focus at the 50$ contests and the other contests almost have no images.

What do the mods say? Will this site close down if this continues? Have you considered to close down this site?
(I really dont hope so, but....)

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: PA USA

Post Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:04 am   Reply with quote         

The whole concept of "Photo Contest Sites" has run it's course, many have died, and the end in near for this one, 2 or 3 entries on average, and now maybe 8 now for the prize contest.


Location: Norway

Post Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:10 pm   Reply with quote         

genesis2 wrote:
The whole concept of "Photo Contest Sites" has run it's course, many have died, and the end in near for this one, 2 or 3 entries on average, and now maybe 8 now for the prize contest.

Yeah, sounds like Trumps political life.... Laughing Laughing
Right Ted?

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.
Site Moderator

Location: Planet Earth

Post Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:04 pm   Reply with quote         

Hi Led! Hey man, stop posting your thoughts on threads. You're depressing me... Razz

Mods (well, it's down to me and Voks) have nothing to do with this site other than we can fix a few things from time to time. Oh, and around the holidays things really slow down here. Ppl are busy doing stuff, y'know like testing to make sure they're not headed for the hospital or trying to buy stuff they can't find anymore. OH SNAP I'm depressing myself Confused Wink

If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro

Location: france

Post Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:20 am   Reply with quote         

[quote="Eve"]Hi Led! Hey man, stop posting your thoughts on threads. You're depressing me... :P

Mods (well, it's down to me and Voks) have nothing to do with this site other than we can fix a few things from time to time. Oh, and around the holidays things really slow down here. Ppl are busy doing stuff, y'know like testing to make sure they're not headed for the hospital or trying to buy stuff they can't find anymore. OH SNAP I'm depressing myself :? :wink:[/quote]

this site is the only place that still allows free speech on the internet the rest has closed
have deep rest then
mind you all that good ole' internet is left only in India.


Location: Land of the Free

Post Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:31 pm   Reply with quote         

Lest we forget, commenting is also participation. <br>
If a tree falls in a forest and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?



Location: PA USA

Post Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:23 pm   Reply with quote         

You can’t comment on contests with no entries, and no one is going to advertise in a contest site with no contests.


Location: PA USA

Post Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:25 pm   Reply with quote         

Most comments are bullshit anyway.
Just like this comment. Lol


Location: Land of the Free

Post Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:52 pm   Reply with quote         

genesis2 wrote:
Most comments are bullshit anyway.
Just like this comment. Lol

Short sited and very disappointing, G2. I expected better from of you.



Location: The Netherlands

Post Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:10 am   Reply with quote         

Oh wow, such activity in this thread! Yes this is mentioned before, the lack of participants. It's sad to see what is happening to the site. I think (for me personally) we just are getting older, which means less time to chop (work, kids, pandemics). Some of the die hards left, maybe the new generation doesn't like the look of this dinosaur of a website. I personally am glad it still looks the same as it did 15 years ago, feels like home.

Let's hope more people will chop again, and yes not only on the prize contests. I added 2 entries myself, felt's been awhile. Cheers!

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