Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:26 pm Reply with quote
March 16th is National Pet Monkey Cancer Awareness Day.<br>I hope this helps. <br><br><img src="http://ccsweb.ccs.kent.edu/Youth/SYP/SYP_Webs/kzickefoose/pet%20monkey.jpg"><br><br><b>Checking your pet monkey for testicular cancer</b><br><br><b>Step 1: </b> Give your monkey a nice warm bath, this will soften and loosen the testes making it easier to feel for lumps.<br><br><b>Step 2:</b>Constrain your monkeys arms so he will not claw at you or chuck feces about. A bra or old corset will do nicely.<br><br><b>Step 3:</b>Break the ice with a cocktail or two... <br><br>*<i>Runs</i>*
Feral Hamster 06/29
ken, you ruin everyone else's good time,then as soon as you leave, other people actually stop in?
mason4300 09/22
I dont know why anyone thinks kencd7 is funny