I don't think there is a single person here with the resource of 20 million
and free reign over Central Park that couldn't have created
a public art display that was simply............

These gates LACK in beauty-creativity-provocation-
SKILL----SKILL----Skill-----and nearly any other
demonstrative image of art and or art's impact.
They are however brilliant if the goal was blah,boring,ugly or
certainly most of all- ambiguously Blah.
I think they are just another act on the part of the "IN" artist
that have had a strangle hold of the public venue for at least thirty years now.
I would compare this to someone here at PSC with skills of say..................
example:Metalic---posting the daily source as a mediocre paste job on a
magazine cover and getting a hundred votes.
I further find myself unavoidably laughing AT anyone who
considers themself an artist and at the same time pronounces
the "gates" as art, "it is art" -

Quite possibly folks beleive that the world of art -outside if the digital art world-
"painting-architecture-sculpture etc"
is something like digital art and the community of digital art.
It is NOT.
You have been "SPOILED" with the idea that anyone who is serious about digital
art and has talent can be successful--this is not the case with other art forms.
It is this same "artists" machine that turns out stuff like these
gates that will likely in the future lock you out
of the digital art world entirely unless of course you have a degree from the right
school,have the right bloodline, or- if you are really willing to
go the distance- can pass yourself off as a
"Visionary artist "