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Is it art? |
Yes |
48% |
[ 18 ] |
No |
29% |
[ 11 ] |
It's all relative |
21% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes: 37
Location: London, UK
Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:43 am Reply with quote
badcop wrote: .I happen to like modern art. It's often controversial. It gets you talking. It evokes emotion.
And it gets you sent to the security office of the MOMA when you pick up a plaster telephone that's part of an installation and start having a fake conversation...
Hahah! I haven't picked up on this thread in a while, but I loved that.
It reminds me of the stories of cleaners at galleries accidentally throwing out modern art "installations" (one of numerous examples is here) because they mistook them for rubbish. That speaks volumes about the nature of a lot of modern art to me - you can hardly imagine someone mistaking, say, a Canaletto landscape or a Rodin sculpture for a random piece of unwanted trash.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: No longer PSC
Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:34 am Reply with quote
These same "artists" did exibits of umbrellas...... all it was, was colored umbrellas in a park
I am sorry there is nothing creative about their exibits
its nor modern its in cutting edge its just boring
they wasted their money.... and are WAY over rated
and dont forget when i have half nude women in my posts its about emotional nakedness.....
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:04 pm Reply with quote
I dunno how you consistantly come up
with that kinda stuff HT, but BRAVO!!!
EJH, I don't want you to be misled into thinking i am emotionally
involved with this topic-- it's a very good topic and worth
an example of modern art that i really like?
ok, short memory here-- that guy and his crew that do all that 'art glass'-
I'm sure HT will know who I mean- that's some pretty impressive stuff-- as far as modern artist in general go?
I kinda pick up a lot of the magazines and journals
of modern art, and to be honest--they're full of stuff that
just bogggles my mind--like - here's an example--
just about EVERY recognized painter out there gets
Praise and full coverage on the good ol' painting of
"self portrait of self painting a self portrait of self"-
I'm waiting for this little phase to pass
not to mention the preponderance of anti-POPE and poop art--
I mean COMON-- that's just getting really old.

Location: NYC
Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:04 pm Reply with quote
Quote: I am sorry there is nothing creative about their exibits
That's a pretty bold statement. What do you consider to be creative? Modern? Cutting-edge?
I'm not trying to give you a hard time, just asking you to back up a very general and subjective statement. It's really easy to say there's "nothing" creative about someting you don't like, but put a little more thought into it...
(given the recent tone of the discussion forum, I feel compelled to explain that my tone here is not intended to be insulting or difficult, just to push this discussion along.)
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:05 pm Reply with quote
[quote="EJH"] Quote:
(given the recent tone of the discussion forum, I feel compelled to explain that my tone here is not intended to be insulting or difficult, just to push this discussion along.)
yeah, me too  it is an enjoyable subject.
Location: NYC
Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:07 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: that guy and his crew that do all that 'art glass'
Dale Chihuly? Not sure if that's who you're talking about, but I LOVE his work!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:08 pm Reply with quote
see? because it's beautiful and creative-not to
mention Difficult-requiring skill
a rare trait in todays art world 
Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:36 pm Reply with quote
HandToolUK wrote: It reminds me of the stories of cleaners at galleries accidentally throwing out modern art
Stories like this make my world a better place. I love that.
It raises the question - shouldn't art be recognized as art regardless of its context?
As much as I enjoy modern art, I realize that much of it can be taken out of a museum, put out with my trash, and there would be no distinction for the garbage collectors (although in all fairness it should be noted that my garbage is f'n beautiful).
A lot of what makes modern art thought provoking comes simply from the titles.
For instance, you can see a completely white canvas promintently on display and
think "wtf?" Until you read the title and it says "Tabula Rasa" or "Bush's Brain" or
whatever. And then you snap your fingers and go "cool man. I can dig it".
Although on more than one occasion I've seen blank canvases displayed that were named "Untitled". I'm not sure if that's art but it made me laugh which can't be a bad thing.
heater wrote: These same "artists" did exibits of umbrellas...... all it was, was colored umbrellas in a park
You forgot to mention how one of these umbrellas was poorly tethered, blew off in the wind and killed a spectator. That's art, isn't it?
EJH wrote: Dale Chihuly? Not sure if that's who you're talking about, but I LOVE his work!
I found myself at a Dale Chihuly exhibit by accident this summer. It was scarier than walking through a haunted house. Everything was so fragile and in your way. You knew if you made one wrong move, you'd be out a few hundred grand. His works were breathtaking but I needed a cigarette when I left (and I don't smoke).
Location: NYC
Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:13 pm Reply with quote
badcop wrote: .Stories like this make my world a better place. I love that.
Commentary like yours makes my world a better place. LMAO
As much as I could get sucked into this conversation for the rest of the afternoon, it's a beautiful day so I'm off to paint my nails saffron and stroll through Central Park & take more pictures...
Location: No longer PSC
Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:37 pm Reply with quote
EJH wrote: Quote: I am sorry there is nothing creative about their exibits
That's a pretty bold statement. What do you consider to be creative? Modern? Cutting-edge?
I'm not trying to give you a hard time, just asking you to back up a very general and subjective statement. It's really easy to say there's "nothing" creative about someting you don't like, but put a little more thought into it...
(given the recent tone of the discussion forum, I feel compelled to explain that my tone here is not intended to be insulting or difficult, just to push this discussion along.)
The thing is they put 20 mil into nothing more than yellow fabric on yellow metal arches....
whats creative and worth 20 mil about that?
its bland, boring, a 3 year old couldve come up with that.
there is no beauty in it...
its not that i live or dislike it even, i am ambivilant in that way, IMO there is nothing to like or dislike about it.. its BLAH, nothing......boring.. uninventive IMO
the umbrellas were nothing...
glorified curtains and umrellas are not art!
if thats art then i guess my diningroom and kitche curtains i made are art too.... if i sell them will i get 20 mil?
(the wink is an indication i am speaking in an unargumentive way)
Location: NYC
Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:22 pm Reply with quote
No, Heather... you haaaaaave to like it!
Just wanted to report back from my afternoon in the park...
Today was a gorgeous day ( cold, but pretty), so I bundled up and spent the afternoon traipsing through The Gates. The weather was ideal... sunny, crystal clear blue sky. The color of the bright orange against the blue sky was striking, and the way the sun was shining on and through the curtains made them look like they were glowing. There was some occasional wind, which created some really cool effects of the curtains blowing around. I'm afraid I really can't adequately describe in words the feeling of walking through this environment, being surrounded by the arches and seeing them everywhere you look. A word that comes to mind is magical (boy, I'm beginning to sound like a real fruitcake here...) I captured a little bit of that in my photos I think, but it just doesn't do it. I took a whole bunch more pics today, which I will go through tomorrow and post some highlights.
As far as the debate over the value (or lack thereof) of this exhibit, let me share some more of my experience... the park was filled with people-- New Yorkers, tourists, families, couples, friends, every age, every color. All there for the same reason. And everyone was happy. People were smiling, laughing, taking pictures, talking to strangers, sharing stories. The frenetic pace of Manhattan seemed to slow down for a change... people allowing themselves to wander aimlessly or just stop and look around.
That's gotta be worth something.
Oh-- and by the way, I actually SAW Christo and Jeanne-Claude! (couldn't miss her saffron hair!) Their car drove up to where I happened to be, and they got out and walked around for a few minutes. They were like celebrities... people flocked around them and as they made their way through the crowds, people shouted "thank you!" or just applauded. It was cool.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:59 am Reply with quote
Wasn't Christo the one who surrounded a bunch of islands in Biscayne Bay (Miami) with pink plastic years ago? I dimly remember that.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:04 am Reply with quote
he is, and from choosing an artist name as "Christo", it's easy to understand he's say nuts
Location: No longer PSC
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:20 am Reply with quote
With the snow, the gates look like little squares of cheddar cheese floating in mayonaise...

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