WoW Some Amazing Work!!!!
I really do admire anybody who can paint ( Cynn and EJH ), anything I ever painted looked like a little kid did it to me.
I always wanted to try airbrushing Zingaro, but I never did for some reason. Your stuff looks great too!
And CrabbyPatty, Holy Crap! I remember checking out your site when you first signed up in PSC. Your a Master!!!!
Very Cool Stuff Terminator, j-elzic and daZork !!!
And Supakoma, very cool animations, yes I even like the "American" one.
Here's some stuff I did a while back in Adobe Illustrator...
Here ya go MommysBoy...Cynn with a bigger cleavage, ha! (Just Playing Cynn

This one is copy of an Iron Maiden CD, used as a reference only. Was drawn all in Illustrator 6 except for the dissolve brush on the straight jacket. This was cropped down from it's original 24" x 25" size.